7 ball cascade records

7 ball solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
1344 catches christhejuggler2014-07-13
750 catches Jack Denger2020-08-08
665 catches Valentin Helml2016-01-02
646 catches peterbone2018-04-22
546 catches Matan Presberg2015-06-23
490 catches SimonaCampo2015-01-02
477 catches Jan Poolen2016-10-10
434 catches Jonathan Moore2021-01-08
350 catches Felix Juggler2017-11-26
330 catches C*C*K (Christoph)2014-03-02
279 catches Stephen Meschke2019-01-22
263 catches Tom W2015-04-06
254 catches Ethan2015-10-07
241 catches varkor2015-12-05
231 catches Austin2017-07-01
230 catches Mark Fiore2018-03-20
225 catches Juggledave2010-08-25
223 catches Mats12015-07-15
218 catches Mike Moore2017-10-13
203 catches PipJim2015-06-12
199 catches James Hennigan2020-09-01
183 catches Mees Jager2014-06-28
180 catches Teh Yi Shern2024-01-19
154 catches Heydar2015-06-09
144 catches Kyle Johnson2015-02-12
141 catches Ludvig Landgren2022-11-23
130 catches thegoheads2010-06-24
126 catches Simeon2018-07-01
125 catches Parris Dineen2019-08-25
122 catches Colin E.2007-02-12
120 catches Oscar Lindberg2016-07-05
119 catches Julius2012-04-15
117 catches Rob van Heijst2013-11-25
114 catches Simon Mueller2015-03-14
114 catches Julien_H2018-08-23
111 catches Janion2012-03-23
107 catches loganstafman2017-03-12
105 catches Brook Roberts2014-07-06
101 catches CameronFord2018-08-12
99 catches 7b_wizard2021-10-26
97 catches Jamie2024-07-18
93 catches Foppe2016-04-11
85 catches hjalmarrisinger2017-10-15
83 catches Chris Veenker2019-06-22
81 catches Alastair Houston2016-11-05
78 catches Jaled2007-02-19
76 catches Pedro Pessotti2017-11-28
75 catches Leo Ostenrath2015-03-11
73 catches Peter Wagner2012-04-15
72 catches Orinoco2015-09-15
66 catches Miika2009-05-31
64 catches Stuart2013-02-23
61 catches Scott Jenkins2020-02-23
60 catches aoristone2014-12-18
59 catches Aymeric2010-07-09
59 catches Woett2015-01-04
54 catches Daniel Simu2018-10-04
52 catches Norbi2006-08-30
43 catches Ilia Poliakov2020-06-12
41 catches menno2014-12-31
40 catches KaiSmith2016-09-25
40 catches Will G.2020-10-29
35 catches gantenbein2014-06-08
35 catches Tom2015-09-23
35 catches Johnathan Mundell2020-02-21
30 catches Sjors Stuurman2015-02-27
30 catches tadhug2015-06-05
28 catches Austin Hurley2016-02-21
27 catches vazonun2017-05-12
26 catches Dave Cheetham2005-11-19
25 catches ^Tom_2011-08-20
25 catches beKAH!2014-04-24
25 catches Aaron-W-Rees2017-11-02
23 catches Vertigo2012-05-15
23 catches Owen Greenaway2016-02-02
21 catches Bright2015-05-31
20 catches Juggling fool2012-05-09
19 catches Jedi Juggler2016-11-13
19 catches BasB2021-01-16
18 catches Sidney Kloek2014-02-17
18 catches michael24052014-09-16
17 catches magicalmarkwatson2009-06-29
17 catches alon2004-10-25
17 catches Spike2013-09-06
17 catches RegularJugular2017-03-12
16 catches Luhkoh2018-03-03
15 catches Joel Fergusson2013-05-15
15 catches Sadie2013-05-30
15 catches Anneroos2014-05-23
15 catches osborja2014-11-12
15 catches Guili2018-07-14
14 catches Pierre Vdv2010-09-20
14 catches Buck Rudder2016-07-05
14 catches Roger Bananas2018-04-17
13 catches pompboy2014-10-14
13 catches Cole Perkinson2017-08-01
13 catches Lerajuggling2020-06-10
11 catches Casperklop2013-12-02
11 catches MerelW2015-08-08
10 catches lucasgabd2014-04-15
10 catches Cecil2015-08-09
10 catches Becky2019-10-30
9 catches Esther2013-11-28
8 catches juggler2015-12-23
8 catches Retyef2019-04-06
7 catches razor_black2015-02-15
7 catches EricS2015-12-05
7 catches Finlay Noble Chamings2016-10-03
7 catches Brendan Kelbie2020-03-25

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
97 catches Jamie2024-07-18
91 catches Jamie2024-06-27clean
180 catches Teh Yi Shern2024-01-19
7 catches RegularJugular2023-02-19LH. practised 7 from non dominant hand instead of 6 ( inconsistency: yes ) Quite a neat pattern. Mostly focused on neat starting throws & looking at the same spot on the cieling to avoid turning when starting, also posture.
8 catches RegularJugular2023-02-10Best I've done recently. Seemed Nice and clean. Only very few attempts and got a couple of clean runs of 8. Will be working on 6 more than 7 until 6 form is more solid.
141 catches Ludvig Landgren2022-11-23
99 catches 7b_wizard2021-10-26106 throws into collapse
90 catches 7b_wizard2021-10-1997 throws to collapse.
88 catches 7b_wizard2021-02-01only confirming last. but clean this time.
19 catches BasB2021-01-16
434 catches Jonathan Moore2021-01-08
18 catches BasB2020-11-21
88 catches 7b_wizard2020-11-1795 throws to collapse.
125 catches Ludvig Landgren2020-11-03
84 catches 7b_wizard2020-11-0191 throws, 1 drop ( dunno which )
40 catches Will G.2020-10-29
199 catches James Hennigan2020-09-01202 throws. I believe I dropped the 200th (on the left side).
750 catches Jack Denger2020-08-082 min 35 sec
28 catches Will G.2020-08-04
385 catches Jonathan Moore2020-07-28
43 catches Ilia Poliakov2020-06-12
13 catches Lerajuggling2020-06-10
10 catches Lerajuggling2020-05-31
720 catches Jack Denger2020-05-042 min 25 sec
9 catches Lerajuggling2020-04-14
7 catches Brendan Kelbie2020-03-25
630 catches Jack Denger2020-03-072 min 8 sec
120 catches Ludvig Landgren2020-02-27
61 catches Scott Jenkins2020-02-23
35 catches Johnathan Mundell2020-02-21Watch video
33 catches Johnathan Mundell2020-01-16Watch video Clean Finish
110 catches Ludvig Landgren2020-01-08
312 catches Jonathan Moore2019-12-24
294 catches Jonathan Moore2019-12-06Pretty sure I broke the 1 minute mark (barely!) In my room
615 catches Jack Denger2019-12-05
02:05 Jack Denger2019-12-05
7 catches Lerajuggling2019-11-21
105 catches Ludvig Landgren2019-11-13
10 catches Becky2019-10-30Launch from the right hand. Clean collect.
99 catches Ludvig Landgren2019-10-29
18 catches Will G.2019-10-28
19 catches Johnathan Mundell2019-10-26Watch video
16 catches Johnathan Mundell2019-10-20
16 catches Will G.2019-10-17
16 catches Will G.2019-10-17
15 catches Johnathan Mundell2019-10-13
14 catches Will G.2019-09-23
14 catches Will G.2019-09-11
14 catches Will G.2019-09-09
30 catches Ilia Poliakov2019-08-31