I've been burning the candle at 3 ends over the last week.

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Orinoco -

I've been burning the candle at 3 ends over the last week. I'm covering for someone else at work with lots of extra hours, I've been trying to sort out an ongoing phone related disaster, then I've been working on Edge stuff until the wee small hours. So a night out at twjc was a welcome distraction.

There were only 5 of us this evening but that was fine by me as I had plenty of space to practise & was happy to be left to it. I really enjoyed juggling to the sound of Guns N' Roses who I haven't listened to for far too long. Newbie Stevie has made excellent progress in just 2 weeks. She's picked up the 3 ball cascade with no problem & was happily tossing & catching a diabolo this evening. Although this is nothing compared to her awesome dancing while in the crab position. We finished off the evening with a fantastically chilled out drink in the garden at the Cross Keys listening to the live jazz being played inside. Just what I needed.


varkor - - Parent

"Excellent progress"? She started off with the 3-ball cascade and now she's practising diabolo? That doesn't sound like progress to me! You need to steer her back towards the straight and narrow before she starts dabbling with things men were never meant to dabble with. Things such as... as... as kendama. *Shiver*

Roflcopter - - Parent


Roflcopter - - Parent

Is it weird to say that I long to be "Orinoco for a day"... hmm maybe that should be a video. Yeah.

Orinoco - - Parent

Can you make it a Friday? They're generally my most painful days at work. Thanks.

Little Paul - - Parent

Yay! Sound like you really deserved that (and I'm only slight jealous of your live jazz + beer garden evening)

Orinoco - - Parent

Not long until #crawley2013, there is going to be some sort of open mic musical thing going on. We might be lucky!

Little Paul - - Parent

Or we might get Richard singing rude songs with his uke

Which will do fine for me


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