I've been having worlds of trouble with my 6 club juggling.

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Stuart -

I've been having worlds of trouble with my 6 club juggling. I really REALLY don't want to learn a 75 pattern, because it's asymmetrical and so "cheating". But the fountain is so hard. Does anyone have any tips on learning the 6 club fountain? Is it easier in synchronous or asynchronous, et cetera. #6clubs #fountain #hard #6fountain

The Void - - Parent

I find it bizarre that you've got to the stage where you're (presumably) well beyond juggling 5 clubs, and yet you still can't self-diagnose. Have you watched yourself on video? What do you think is going wrong? (You don't tell us.) How much have you practised? I think #hard probably covers it....

The Void - - Parent

Right, I was about to post this to Meta talk, but (on iPad at least), there was no "Post" button on the Create New Thread meta page, just the input boxes. (They are there on Small Talk on iPad):

I just replied to a post and Previewed it first (fine), and under the entry box on the preview page was another smaller box that contained
\"True"\ or was it \"True\" . I left it alone, pressed Post, and everything was fine. Wossat all about then?

Orinoco - - Parent

It's part of my ongoing battle with the WYSIWYG editor that I am constantly losing. The Meta page is now fixed & the \"True\" thingumy is gone.

Stuart - - Parent

Yeah, usually I can self-diagnose pretty easily. But for some reason, my 6 club fountain has been giving me worlds of trouble (I practice a LOT), and I'm not sure what is wrong. I video'd a practice about 6 months ago, and things were just really really shaky, making it nearly impossible to pinpoint one single problem. But perhaps a video of a more current practice session would reveal more pronounced areas I need to work on...

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Its bizarre that people want to talk about actual juggling on this forum :p

Little Paul - - Parent

I think it's great! More of this sort of thing!

I don't have any useful advice about 6 clubs, but I woke up this morning thinking "ZOMG! BJC is really soon! I can't wait!"

A sentiment I largely put down to the edge being quite busy recently with actual juggling content :)

Orinoco - - Parent

I'm looking forward to the BJC so I can get away from this place for a week!

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Guys, you are all coming to the #NJF2013 too right?

Orinoco - - Parent

I will most likely be buttercupping for my juggling festival fix in that month I'm afraid.

barnesy - - Parent

But of course! (yeah, OK, it's in my home city...)

For those who need more of a reminder, the NJF is exactly a month after the BJC (9th to the 12th of May). KLM still have some very nice looking flight prices to Amsterdam (£79 return with hold baggage from Leeds, £82 from Manc, £89 Newcastle, £100 London etc). Easyjet are sometimes but not always cheaper. And of course if you fly KLM you'll get, I dunno, a free biscuit or something.

I hope a lot of UK (and further afield) people can make it over. My offer of crash space before or after is still there too.

varkor - - Parent

I feel the same way about learning 75 instead of the fountain, although I think it's a perfectly good alternative pattern to learn alongside it. I'm having similar issues with my fountain though, so I can't be much help. I'm pretty sure the sync fountain is a significantly harder than the asyc one, however, judging from 6 balls and 4 clubs.

Stuart - - Parent

Haha I just know I wouldn't be disciplined to learn 57 once I learned 75...

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

I have nothing to contribute to your 6c dilemmas, but 75 is cheating?!? Seriously? As are all asymmetrical patterns? Are you completely bonkers? I must've missed the memo with the rules in.

I know that lots of people will insist on no-handed patterns, or patterns of odd period which alternate starting hands, but it's such a strange, arbitrary distinction with little practical use or explanation. Would you care to tell us why you are strange, arbitrary, and impractical? ;-)

The whole even-handed thing has a lot of adherents, with one common explanation being that one should carefully train each hand or side equally. To the best of my knowledge a princely 0% of those people are actively seeking to be ambidextrous in other aspects of their lives. Handedness is very highly selected for in humans, yet there are jugglers who, for the specific instance of their art, would repudiate the massive weight of evolutionary evidence. What compelling arguments are there that ambidexterity is superior to dominant/subordinate pairs?

Orinoco - - Parent

I practise both sides equally so that my subordinate hand is strong enough for me to do something harder with my dominant hand.

The Void - - Parent

I find no-handed patterns very difficult, myself.

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

You need to spend more time practicing your Jedi powers.

Brook Roberts - - Parent

One of the reasons I normally want to learn patterns ambidextrously is that rather than viewing that pattern as an end to itself, I also want it to be a stepping stone to later patterns. So whilst I might really like the current trick I'm working on involving behind the neck throws from one side only, I know if I only learn it one way I'll get frustrated in the future when trying to learn some trick that involves both hands doing those throws.

Also I do like them more generally, but I'm not going to push that as an actual argument ;)

Stuart - - Parent

I suppose you've got a point there, but I must preserve my honour via consistency by submitting that I can write with both hands rather quickly, I can braid my hair with either hand taking the dominant role, I can eat with both hands, and what I haven't learned to do with both hands, I fully intend on doing. I just like things to be symmetrical, I guess. Though the inside of my body wouldn't agree...

Adrian G - - Parent

I've been doing quite a bit of six clubs recently so I'll list a few of the things I do.

4/5 club drills, I think all of these have helped my six club pattern:

  • 66161 (throw a 5 to enter)
  • running four clubs on triples without moving around
  • 663
  • 66661

Other than that, just general stuff. I found synch easier when I first flashed it but now find asynch a lot easier. That said, you notice problems with your throws more if you're doing synch, so I'd recommend doing both (but focus on asynch).

As always with even numbers, watch that you're throwing out enough and keeping the pattern from getting narrow.

Hope some of that helps


jamesfrancis - - Parent

I actually find the fountain easier, although my best for both patterns (fountain and 75) is 18 catches. 75 is all about the rhythm. I got a lot better at this once I started running (6x,4x) on triple single a lot. However I have kind of hit the wall with 75 now and I qualify quite rarely. Admittedly I don't practise much.

With the fountain I run a lot of 4 club drills. 63641 is my favourite but also 61616, 66611 and 633 to a lesser extent. I warm up with 6 practising the flash repeatedly. With the flash i find there is a tendancy to throw the last two right up the middle of the pattern. This really caused me trouble for a while since it meant there wasn't room for the next clubs to pass. Getting the width of the pattern right is very tough and i focus a lot on this when i work on the flash.

What level are you at at the moment; consistent flashes, occasional qualifies etc? this would help make any advice specific.


peterbone - - Parent

I have similar problems with 6 club fountain. I don't work on it much any more because I find 7 clubs easier and more enjoyable/rewarding. I also don't like unsymmetrical patterns so have never tried 75. Asynch is much easier for fountain. You already have not much space in the air. You don't want to make it worse by throwing clubs at the same time.
One thing I found that helped me was to have quite a low dwell ratio, so that the pattern feels quite fast. I've found that this helps avoid collisions. It was one of the things that helped me improve my 6 club pattern last time it improved, which was a long time ago.

Little Paul - - Parent

I've often heard it said that for even numbers sync is easier to flash, async is easier to run. It occurs to me that most of the time this is trotted out it's talking about balls.

You've got much more experience with numbers juggling than I do, would you agree with the statement? Is it as true for clubs as it is balls?

peterbone - - Parent

Many numbers jugglers do prefer synch for flashing with balls. I think this is simply to reduce the number of movements per second. I always found it difficult to keep my feet anchored to the ground while making fast synch throws, which I've always put down to low body mass. I also find it difficult catching two objects at the same time. Hence I've never used synch for numbers juggling. Perhaps I haven't tried it enough to give a balanced opinion. I may be the only person to have flashed 12 balls asynch but not synch. I do think that most people would agree that asynch is easier for clubs though, even for flashing.


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