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The Void -

#Inviting. The Edge seems to be ticking along reasonably nicely now, but maybe that could be ramped up with some kind of gentle "Why not invite someone to join?" notice/reminder. However, that has the potential to become extremely annoying, so maybe I'm just making this post to that end.

Hey, Lurkers! Anyone not said hello yet? Go on, you know you want to!

Little Paul - - Parent

I was thinking about this earlier. Every time I've posted an invite code on r.j it's been snapped up pretty quickly. I was thinking I might just start putting them in my sig block and see what happens.

Might also be nice to declare a week as "juggling content week" where we make an effort to keep the front page of smalltalk at least tangentially juggling related? If people come looking for juggling content but find bug reports/css tips/feature updates instead that's possibly a little offputting.

In that vein (albeit a bit magicy rather than juggly), here's a CD Manipulation act I've been enjoying this evening:

Orinoco - - Parent

I've sent out loads of invites but relatively few have been taken up. More work on content required.


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