I think I'm bored with playing with page customisation now .

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Cedric Lackpot -

I think I'm bored with playing with page customisation now ...

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

Slightly less facetiously, have you considered having an option for users to point to a custom CSS file? It works well in TOP.

Orinoco - - Parent

I did think about it, I used to really like that feature in the MyOpera community when I used to be really geeky about browsers & web stuff in general.

I initially decided against because your stylesheet it breaks every time the site changes and generally people who know about CSS use a browser capable of user style sheets (Do you still use Opera? If so right click, Edit site preferences > Display > My style sheet).

But yeah, why not. I'll put it in tomorrow night.

For now though I'm off to #TWJC. I've decided that after 18 years of juggling it is about time I learnt to balance on a rola bola. The only rola bola board we have left at the moment is about a foot too short & has "Danger! Do not use!" written on it. But Simon was running 5 clubs while standing on it last week. I've never tried coding with a broken wrist before either.

Little Paul - - Parent


Somewhere along the line you've closed the loophole that made the stylesheet in my profile work, and I've lost it now!

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

1. I do still use Opera, yes. I remain a considerable fanboi. But I've never bothered applying user styles via the browser, perhaps because I don't see it as the job of the browser to apply style, rather the site itself, but I might have a tinker.

2. Rola Bolas : In my opinion your feet need to be shoulder-width apart, or possibly an inch or two wider, but no more.
I'll bore you with my human physiology reasoning some other time.
 That will of course inform you what size board you can get away with, which turns out to be a lot shorter than most people think. If the board is condemned, then check it for major cracks - you don't want to jump on it, only for two splinter-laden ends to flip rapidly up towards your gentleman's danglies, unless you accidentally find yourself shitfaced on a Renegade stage, in which case it is practically de rigeur.

Jesus H. Christ, that was dangerously close to talking about that which must never be mentioned.

Little Paul - - Parent

That reminds me, I've still got the Flaming Rola Bola of Death cluttering up my dining room.

Are you (or anyone with a suitable sized space in their car from Lesticle) likely to be at #BoB at all? If so, do you still want it?

I'll only be at #BoB for the show in the evening (as I'm playing with phones and steam trains during the day) but I can drag it along if it's wanted.

If nothing else, it's got to be worth a fiver for the scrap value.

Little Paul - - Parent

I fail at hashtags - pretend I wrote #BoB9

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

Yes mate, I'll be there, if only to capture the record for all-time-slowest-jugglermail-ever.

Little Paul - - Parent

hurrah! It's a date!

Orinoco - - Parent

Did Juggler Dawg ever return home?

Little Paul - - Parent

Not as far as I know. I heard a rumour that he did at least make it back to the UK, but got lost somewhere between his point of entry and home.

He's probably been locked up on tourism charges or something.

Orinoco - - Parent

Under settings you now have a new field at the bottom where you can specify the URL of a css file that will replace the defaults. I imagine the juggling world is sufficiently geeky that this feature will get used by at least somebody. I'd definitely be interested in seeing what other people think this site should look like. So if anyone does restyle the site please share. Good ideas will be shamelessly stolen.

Those that suffered through b3ta testing will be pleased to learn that I have set up a dev version to experiment with for future changes!

Yeah, our danger do not use board is almost shoulder width in size. I got on quite well even though some people questioned why I was staring at the wall so intently. I found it made the soles of my feet ache quite a bit which I think is sign that I was trying too hard.

Another guy had a go & stacked it in spectacular fashion. It was one of those moments where you had to wait a second to judge how badly he was hurt before you could safely laugh out loud.

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

Splendid, ta.

Can I make a suggestion? Place a download link to the current JE .css file next to the input box so people can just go and fetch something to modify. I know it's easy to do by inspecting the source, but it'd still be a quick and easy convenience.

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

For immediate convenience :-

  • Main CSS
  • Small talk CSS
  • Site swap CSS

I didn't look very hard. Are there others?

Which file does custom CSS replace? Or will the custom file just overwrite any and all styles declared elsewhere?

Little Paul - - Parent

I believe the custom file just overwrite any and all styles declared elsewhere

*still mourning the loss of his custom profile css hack*

Orinoco - - Parent

The complete list of stylesheets that I am currently using is:


The vast majority of stuff is in the main.css Everything is in edge.css

The custom css replaces all files, except the tinyeditor.css file which is used for those who have selected to use TinyEditor for post composition (masochists).


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