I am one of the organisers for the Swedish Juggling Convention, SJC 2020. This is a yearly event where jugglers from both Sweden and other countries gather, juggle and in general have a ton of fun. We also view ourselves as a circus convention and welcome any and all circus disciplines. This year we have really invested in other circus disciplines besides juggling and really hope that as many circus disciplines as possible will be represented at the convention. We will have a practice gym with aerial acrobatics and we will have both aerial acrobats and handstand-artists in the gala show and who also will give awesome workshops on top of that. This year the convention will take place on the easter weekend, 10-13 april in Gävle. We have an awesome lineup to the gala show and workshops, including Wes Peden, Lauri Koskinen and Luke Burrage.
It is going to be a lot of fun, something you shouldn't miss, see more info in the event:
The website http://svenskjonglering.se will be updated shortly with information also for those who are not a fan of Facebook. :)
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