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Petit Minion -

Hey !

I was wondering if someone have a script to create a ical calendar with the jugglingesge API?

Or someone know how to use rss feed to create a calendar?

I would love to have a interactive calendar wich update when the jugglingedge database change. A calendar for one specific region

Tchou :)

Orinoco - - Parent

What calendar software are you using?

In Google Calendar click the + symbol next to 'Other calendars'. Select 'From URL'. Enter https://jugglingedge.com/eventics.php?TimeFrame=Future&Region=fr (explanation of all options can be found here), then click the 'Add calendar' button & that's it.

Petit Minion - - Parent

Thats amazing ! :D the calendar is updated automatically when the database change?

Orinoco - - Parent

Yes, Google regularly requests updates from the Edge & will add them to the calendar.

Petit Minion - - Parent

Work perfectly thx :)


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