Hi, did anyone learn 5 clubs by replacing always one more ball by another club…

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7b_wizard -

Hi, did anyone learn 5 clubs by replacing always one more ball by another club from 5 balls?

James Hennigan - - Parent

I learned 3 clubs this way, and haven't done much club juggling since.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Yeh, but for 5c there's the option to do 4c tricks and siteswaps containing high crossing throws first instead. Which, i guess, is the most common way?

Austin Hurley - - Parent

I've started to try out 4b1c in the hopes that my doubles become really consistent but I doubt it'll start having a major effect until I try 3b2c. As a reference I have gotten 30 catches of 5c but I now usually get 12-16 catches

7b_wizard - - Parent

So, did you come from 4c with crossing 5-s?

Austin Hurley - - Parent

I don't think I understand what you mean. I can do 4club fairly ok and I only learned with clubs. I didn't do 2b2c, 1b3c or 3b1c or anything. Is that what you mean?

Austin Hurley - - Parent

OH!! I might get it now. I couldn't do any 4c tricks, bar fountain, when I started 5c but I was told to do 552. Every time I drill 552 my 5c moves up a level. Granted my 5c isn't good but it's a lot better than before.

7b_wizard - - Parent

I simply meant how you got (from 3c, then what?) to 5c. Like not with skipping 4c or sth.

Yeah .. 552 an' stuff, .. that's what I meant (also what Scott Seltzer says below, guess, that's the ``regular´´ way).

I always have some quarrel with siteswaps being ``good for´´ a simple cascade .. you do different rhythms, different beats, holds an' stuff. I can't do any chases or other ``Frankensteins´´ with 4 balls, still I'm pretty much okay with my 5 balls. That's why I'm out for outlooks on 5 clubs without having to do any odd 4 club stuff and wondered if anyone skipped 4 clubs.

Austin Hurley - - Parent

Ah right.

I'm Irish and I was talking to the guy that sells all the juggling gear in Ireland Stephen, about these one piece clubs that were cheap. He was telling me about some guy, who is considered the only guy that can do seven clubs in Ireland (or at least he was at the time). Stephen was saying that he needed the one piece clubs cause everything else kept breaking. He didn't do any other props or training. His goal was seven clubs and he did it two years. I think Stephen said he skipped the fountains when learning cause it wouldn't help in crossing patterns. I can find out exactly and maybe even talk to the 7cluber if you'd like.

James Hennigan - - Parent

Stephen can juggle 7 clubs!?
Who is the other guy who can do 7?

Austin Hurley - - Parent

I don't think Stephan can but he was telling me about the guy that bought them from him. I think I asked at the time but I didn't know the person so I forgot the name

7b_wizard - - Parent

Yes actually, if you get the chance! I'd be really interested if he did any 4c or skipped that and delved into cold starts with 5.

Scott Seltzer - - Parent

4 balls and 1 club is very very hard. I'm a solid 5 club juggler and I haven't ever tried any other combination of balls and clubs but I can't imagine that I'd have any success with them. Not recommended for learning 5 clubs, but maybe a fun challenge for after.

Orinoco - - Parent

I've also tried juggling a mix of 5 balls & clubs in various permutations.

When juggling with more balls than clubs it was very difficult to keep the pattern at a 5 club height, I found it much easier to throw the clubs at my usual much lower 5 ball height. I also found the lack of symmetry very off putting. The force required to throw a club is a lot more than that required to throw a ball which causes a small but very noticeable twisting effect on your body which I found uncomfortable.

It's an interesting exercise once you are comfortable with 5 clubs, but I wouldn't recommend it as a training exercise.

7b_wizard - - Parent

So then the common way to get from 3 to 5 clubs would be to go over 4c tricks and siteswaps containing high crossing throws (5-s)? Or is it feasible to skip 4c for the sake of sticking to the cascade pattern, like after mastering 3 clubs' various heights, speeds, widths, different dwelltimes, numbers of spins at different heights, very well?   I'm not that good yet, but I could think clearer about it with having a plan, an approach to choose, with knowing if I can, or else will not, get around getting into queer s'swaps with 4c.

Scott Seltzer - - Parent

I'm sure that there are already a lot of resources online for preparing for 5 clubs. Many are like 5 balls: 50505, 55500, 552, 55550, and maybe 5551. triple-singles and double-singles might be good, too. Perhaps even 534 (kinda hard on doubles). The stronger foundation you have with 3 and 4 clubs (even body tricks and tricks without doubles) will prepare you better for the challenge of 5 clubs. Bend your knees and go for it!

7b_wizard - - Parent

Hm .. I'm still undecided .. I'm not even reluctant to get into 4 clubs (i even like 4c-345, single double triple). And nothing also hinders me to try both ways .. or even flash 3up to collect with 5c until I get a fourth and fifth throw thrown, or better do that first with 3c2b.

LukasR - - Parent

I work quite a bit on variations of x(Devilstick) + y(Handsticks) + z(Balls) = 5 object cascade. I can also do 4b1c using singles and a average 5b height for quite a while. I don´t practise 5club but i have qualified them a few times.

I think it has an great effect on the "mixed object skill" but doesn´t help the "consistently juggle cascade" skill alot. Usually i get quickly to a point were i get 20 catches on any combination of 5 comfortable props but stall there and have to seriously push the pattern if i want toget it consistent.

When it comes to using xbyc=5 as a practise tool for 5c i believe the problem is that it only works if one already has a save 5b in 7bheight cascade since you need high 5s to match the club double.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Oka-ay .. "mixed object skill". Good point.


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