6 ball fountain color change transitions: Linky

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Stephen Meschke -

6 ball fountain color change transitions: https://youtu.be/rvYHKllbu-o.

In the 6 ball fountain pattern, three balls are juggled in one hand and three in the other. The balls don't cross or mix. Left always juggles one set of three, and right always juggles the other set. I use three red balls and three blue balls to make the pattern easy to see.

In this video (link above), I use three different transitions to cross the balls to the opposite hand. The siteswaps for the second and third transitions are 7777770 and 777771. What's the siteswap for the first one?

Are there any other transitions?

DavidCain - - Parent


Heydar - - Parent

For a trick where they all swap, b97531 would be a nice one with your 2 sets of balls. Also 999333 could be cool.

Stephen Meschke - - Parent

I tried b97531 today. It did look really cool, even though I could only run it to 5 (out of 6) gathers.

Thanar - - Parent

Thanks for posting your video, Stephen. Your 6 ball pattern is very solid with high throws. It would be great if you could try to break the current "slow juggling" record for 6 balls (i.e. fewest catches in 1 minute).

The current record on Juggle Wiki is 240 catches in 1 minute by Steve Hogan (video).

Stephen Meschke - - Parent

I doubt I will try.

There was some interesting data on the Speed Juggling Records page you linked to. I made a graph: https://i.imgur.com/x407e97.png.


Orinoco: Rendering a graph in the text box would be awesome!

7b_wizard - - Parent

That seems to mirror the invert proportional influence of gravity for more balls: a) balls get faster coming from greater height, so b) greater height is needed to even space them.

Thanar - - Parent

Thanks for the graph. I agree that the "narrowing" of the gap between slowest and fastest is based on fundamental physical limitations. The "premature narrowing" at 6 balls is, I think, due to the fact that jugglers haven't intentionally tried to do fast and slow versions of 6 balls (unlike 5 balls), and that 6 balls is generally less popular than the odd ball patterns, at least for endurance. I found those 6 ball videos through searching for every video of a 6 ball over 1 minute and taking the fastest & slowest.

Stephen Meschke - - Parent

Due to fundamental physical limitations the fast and slow juggling records will converge where numbers juggling starts at 8 balls.

This source contains inadequate data. The records are for runs lasting 60 seconds, that's too long for 6 and 7 balls. Changing the duration of the record would increase the quality of your data. The duration of the record should be something like 10 times the number of balls, in catches. For example, the 5 ball speed records would be based on 50 catches.

7b_wizard - - Parent

.. in order to make it a "sprint" rather than going into "enduring"?

Brook Roberts - - Parent

https://youtu.be/5wqR76KZl4g?start=69 has some swaps in the same vein.

7b_wizard - - Parent

at around 1:23, I think to see sth like 756756756756

7b_wizard - - Parent




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