Beard Juggling Clubs.
Ok so I'm planning on getting a new set of juggling clubs as I want to get more into clubs and my last set 'Juggle Dream Euro Classic' are terrible.
I was going to wait a while and spend a bit of money of either Px3's, Henry's or Renegades... Though then I came across Beard and their sales atm...
So I have two questions,
First, does this sound like the right decision? As I'd be saving a huge amount of money, with two types of beard clubs going at £3.50 each atm while the others are generally over $30 each. Would the quality be worth the price (to me it really seems like a great deal!).
Secondly, Which type should I get? Circus or Radical Fish? This probably comes down to personal preference I guess, but I'd love to hear peoples experiences with both. I personally don't really like the look of fishes, though the more i look at them the more I start to like the uniqueness :). I'd love to know if there's any advantages of one over the other too.
Thanks heaps!
P.s. The links to both the clubs...
Radical Fish:
Thankyou again :).
That is incredibly cheap. I used to use beard circus clubs (I don't like the look of fish) but then I switched to Henry's Delphins. I found that the beard clubs tend to begin to rattle and then break very quickly. The Delphins are much more robust and I prefer the feel of them anyway. They're still cheap compared to most other clubs. However, at £3.50 it may be worth getting the beard clubs. You didn't say what you will be using them for. For a beginner I'd suggest the beard since there's less chance of them hitting the ground from a great height. For more advanced stuff and juggling 5 or more I'd suggest Henry's.
Well I'll be using them as a beginner to start, but want to have clubs that I can have for a while and work from 3-5 with and was thinking of possibly buying a couple of spares.
Though after reading this topic - - along with a few others on rec.juggling I'm feeling a little unsure about whether or not to buy them...
For £3.50 each, just go for it and buy 6. They'll be fine, you'll learn to juggle clubs, and you'll also learn what you do/don't like about those particular clubs, which will help inform your decision on what to buy as your second set, 6 months or more down the road.
Richard Loxley - - Parent #
When I bought my first clubs, I was given the following advice from Fay (at the excellent Boggle juggling shop): "either buy the best you can afford, or buy the cheapest in the shop - because if you're still juggling in 6 months you'll be back to buy the best you can afford, so at least you won't have wasted too much money".
I took her advice, and bought the cheapest in the shop - Beard beach clubs. 6 months later I was back in the shop buying (in my opinion) the best in the shop :-)
At £3.50/club you can't really go wrong.
Little Paul - - Parent #
I'm surprised you were still juggling 6 months after buying beard beach clubs, I'd have thought they were awful enough to put anyone off! ;-)
But yes. Sound advice. And at £3.50 a club you can't go wrong. Buy as many as you can afford to have shipped all the way over to australia, juggle them until too many of them have broken beyond repair, and by then you'll know what you like/dislike in a club.
I wouldn't recommend buying the fish though unless you've juggled fish before. They're erm... "quirky"
Tom Derrick - - Parent #
I spend my first 2 years as a juggler with soft and safe clubs. I was still using them when I started to learn 5 clubs (3 radical fish, 2 soft and safe).
£3.50 a club is a great price. Given the choice I would go for the circus over the fish as the fish have a distinctly different feel (imo) to other clubs, whereas the circus are very similar to other clubs (in terms of weight and weight distribution).
Thankyou everyone for the advice, the only problem now is the price is actually around £8 (a little lower) per club once I include shipping on 7 clubs.
I know this is still a small price to pay so probably will just get them :p.
But to put it into perspective, I could get 7 circus clubs for ~£55 ($86.7) or 6 Px3 PM's for £98.83 ($155.8).
lukeburrage - - Parent #
Get the PX3 clubs. You'll have to replace your new Beard clubs in about 6 months of hard juggling, or a year of normal wear and tear. The PX3 clubs will last you way longer, and even when broken and cracked they still juggle just fine.
I love beard rings and beanbags, but their clubs just aren't up to the modern standard of Henrys and Play.
Yeah I'm starting to think this. The general consent seem to say beard clubs will only last 6-12 months.. And although that would be good enough for now, it'd probably be more worth while getting ones I'll be able to use for a life time practically, and then I can also always get more later if I need, but I'll always have my px3's as back ups and stuff.
So now... What're peoples opinions on the Px3 Pirouette molded clubs? As they're about the cheapest set I can get from oddballs. 6 for ~$150 including postage as stated earlier.
got me five green radical fish from said offer - basically just to get my hands on some inexpensive clubs i can take with me when i work with groups of kids. also, i never got my hands on some fish and i've always wanted to try them.
first thing i noticed when they arrived was that absolutely NOTHING about their looks screams "cosmetic seconds". so if anybody is frightened about their condition; it'll be worth the risk. also, description says ALL of the clubs would have RED handles - mine arrived with matching green handles.
now i can't say anything about their durability since i just got around to play with them for a few hours, but i couldn't find any weak spots since. as for how they compare to everyone's favourite: i'd still take my px3s (as well as my henry's albatros) over them, no question about that. since you're a beginner, i'd highly suggest to try the clubs. it will not be your last set ever, but you'll hardly find a club this professional for such a small amount of money. chances are you'll break a club or two while learning; wouldn't hurt too much financially-wise if it was one of these.
btw: most essential thing i'd tell anybody who starts learning clubs is to get some wrapped handles. i learned clubs years ago with some lower price segment mr. babache clubs - the solid handles were a pain in the ass. my fingers were damaged within the first few days.
You'd be right about the suggestion to buy some to try, except that, after adding postage to Australia, they price more than doubles. I've said to him that he's got a difficult choice with regards to buying clubs (given any clubs will have huge shipping costs)... I'm not sure what's best - my suggestion is for him to wait a few months until he meets other jugglers and has a chance to try some other clubs, or else to take the plunge and hope to get the clubs with which he'll fall in love.
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