Nice video from Ian Michael showing the goings on at the 67th Annual IJA…

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Orinoco -

Nice video from Ian Michael showing the goings on at the 67th Annual IJA Juggling Festival.

I've seen loads of videos like this for E/BJCs but I think this is the first one I've seen for an IJA fest. Looks like it was fantastic! Love the half contortionist club on club catch in the Extreme Juggling comp.


DavidCain - - Parent

Odd. I was there the entire week but I didn't see anything on this video expect the ball passing at the beginning.
David Cain

peterbone - - Parent

I think that about most videos from conventions that I've been to. I think it has to do with that fact that a lot of things are filmed at night when I'm already asleep.

The Void - - Parent

Liked: The overall vibe, the catch Orin mentioned, the 3-up 180 into bx.
Disliked: Fire and glow, and 1:1 shots.
Amused by: the DJ's finger-flicked release of the knobs, as though it made a difference.

Orinoco - - Parent

Heh! Had to watch again as I didn't notice the finger flicking the first time round.

Also that 3 up into bx looked like a 540 to me.

The Void - - Parent

I'll take yr word for it. Apologies to all in(re)volved.


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