Rola bola + acro

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duncanh -

Rola bola + acro

Some impressive strength and balance

Topper - - Parent

I think this is the best Rola bola act I have ever seen. Brilliant

Mini - - Parent


Orinoco - - Parent

Everybody watch this. I loved the cross legged stepping from shoulder to shoulder bit.

Little Paul - - Parent

I love the act - but the audience clapping gave me rage as usual.

I hate it when audiences clap along to the music. I recently saw the ukulele orchestra of Great Britain (who were more entertaining than previous exposure to ukes led me to expect) and the audience insisted on trying to clap along to some pieces which really detracted from it.

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

Yes LP - I agree wholeheartedly. Extremely annoying. Leave the rhythmic clapping for Mr Tumble YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!! GRRRRR!!!!

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

Some kind of signed agreement is needed. Anyone found to be clapping along in time to the music should be punished and banned from attending any future non-rhythmic clapping events. It's just a very small handful of people responsible for spreading it amongst the rest of the audience. They demand the attention of the people sitting around them with that daft simpleton expression on their face, the extra wide clapping action and the knee bobbing up and down. "Come on everyone!! join in, it's much more fun if we all try to clap rhythmically together!!"


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