hello everyone living here! thought you might enjoy seeing some tiny juggling (in every aspect):
I enjoyed that, but I can't really explain why.
I remember watching Freehand juggling performing a club passing routine with programmable gloclubs against a backdrop of computer generated effects at the BJC in 2006. I found the technology far too distracting & at times blinding. I think I would have enjoyed the routine more if it were performed with regular props & lighting.
On the flip side I was completely blown away by Feeding the Fish's persistence of vision poi at last year's London Juggling Convention. I definitely wouldn't have enjoyed that same routine performed with regular props.
Would I enjoy this if it was performed on an ordinary table? No.
I like the way the tech reacts to what you do, it's not a choreographed piece where everything is preprogrammed. It makes it feel more like manipulation. In a way it is similar to watching DDR videos in that it is someone interacting with a machine. Performance video gaming?
I might have to rewatch this to see how I feel about it again at another time.
Also, I'm loving the photography at https://einarklingodencrants.com/Einar/eko.html
As a performance that was boring! I can see a potential for an interesting game though!
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