6 ring 756 records

6 ring solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
60 catches christhejuggler2014-06-08
33 catches Heydar2025-01-19
30 catches Norbi2013-09-28
16 catches Mats12017-04-30

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
33 catches Heydar2025-01-19clean
30 catches Heydar2022-12-29clean
24 catches Heydar2022-11-27clean
21 catches Heydar2022-11-22clean
18 catches Heydar2022-11-06clean
12 catches Heydar2019-11-18back to pattern
16 catches Mats12017-04-30
12 catches Heydar2017-03-08clean
6 catches Heydar2016-07-25back to pattern
3 catches Heydar2015-02-12to clean qualify
60 catches christhejuggler2014-06-08
36 catches christhejuggler2014-02-28
30 catches Norbi2013-09-28