Yo everyone I'm new to this site live in Illinoise USA and was wondering what…

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Robotic juggle -

Yo everyone I'm new to this site live in Illinoise USA and was wondering what everyone's favorite siteswaps is (regardless of your ability to preform it) mine is the DB97531 just looks so cool and is highly difficult fun to watch

Nicholas - - Parent

Ah! Finally another American! Welcome.

I don't really have a favorite siteswap. I'm not that into them. I prefer basic patterns.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

Like what maybe the box or the machine possibly back crosses

mtb - - Parent

Georgian Shuffle.

Nicholas - - Parent

No, the cascade, half shower and shower patterns are my favorite.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

How long have u been juggling

Nicholas - - Parent

10 years.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

And u still like those the best wow

Little Paul - - Parent

I've been juggling for 21 years, and I thing my favourite siteswap is 3. Because there's just so much you can do with that pattern.

Orinoco - - Parent

I've been juggling for 18 years, & my favourite would be 3 too for the sheer variety you can put into it.

If you ask a juggler what they can do with (insert siteswap here) the answer for 3 is generally, "this, this, this, this...". I've been captivated by 3 ball cascade variations for hours.

The answer for DB97531 is at best, "land it".

varkor - - Parent

My favourite is 5, for a similar reason—it's so flexible. Although it may not be quite so much as 3, it still has so much potential I don't think I could ever get bored of it.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

You are right in many ways but i feel that siteswap the DB97531 is still mesmerizing in all ways

Little Paul - - Parent

do you prefer it as a one-off (as a trick) or would you rather see someone run it (as a pattern)

peterbone - - Parent

Running it is always better. Just in case people haven't seen it, Alex Barron has filmed 4 cycles of db97531. I think Ben Beever was the first to do 1 cycle of this pattern (he first told me about this in 2003). Daniel Eaker was the first to do 2 cycles. Lauge Benjaminsen was the first to do 3 cycles. Since then there was a race to 4 cycles by several of the members of TSC. I believe that Josh Turner and Dan Wood have both done 3 cycles.

varkor - - Parent

Alex Barron said Lauge beat him to 4 cycles too, although there can't have been that long between them.


peterbone - - Parent

Thanks. My mistake. I hadn't realised that Lauge got there first.

RegularJugular - - Parent

Doesn't matter just so long as it's really difficult and done with glo-balls, something like this:


Everything else I can think of is heavily biased by how capable I am of performing them.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

Some of the most controlled juggling that I've seen you barley moved even in the 7445 wow is that you r someone else

RegularJugular - - Parent

Not me... Oh no... You did say regardless of MY ability to perform it. I merely wish I was that good.

To 'brag slightly' - I have done some of the basic 5 ball siteswaps with glo-balls 744 645 for short runs, but that video is awesomesauce for me.

RegularJugular - - Parent

well implied MY anyway

The Void - - Parent

Hi Robotic, welcome!



Little Paul - - Parent

Aha! That's the siteswap I was trying to remember the other day, having spent most of #bbu2012 playing with it

Thanks for the memory jog :)

The Void - - Parent

Coo, really? I must have mentioned it to you with reference to the siteswapphone. It's my favourite because it was the first pattern I "invented" after having siteswap explained to me.

Orinoco - - Parent

That's pretty neat. I've just spent 20 minutes working on that & managed to get a decent run of 72 catches (had a few longer runs but they were galloped & ugly, I don't count them because I am a snob).

Funny how siteswap patterns are often forgotten. I have had a few instances where I have started working on a pattern & thought, "this is really easy!" only to later remember that I had already spent time working on it a while ago.

Mats1 - - Parent

Either cc88441 (why is this not done as much as db97531????!) or (c,2x)(8,2x)(4,2x)* or d191.

varkor - - Parent

Why isn't db7531 does as much as cc88441? Well, it doesn't look as good, for one: the balls peak at similar times, but not identical times, unlike the freezeframe, which lessens the effect considerably. Additionally, lining balls up in two widely-spaced columns doesn't look as good as a single column.

peterbone - - Parent

cc88441 is also quite a bit harder than db97531.

Roflcopter - - Parent

probably the coolest thing ever

varkor - - Parent

It's so cool, it's actually an invalid siteswap! I think you meant: db9750000 (with 4 zeroes). Why do you prefer that to db97531?

Roflcopter - - Parent

your right I did mean four zeros.
Im not sure why i prefer it to the db7531 I think because when i first started juggling a lot i saw Lauge Benjaminsen do it and couple in some spins and it just blew my mind backwards through a wormhole and into outerspace to the beginning of time.
What i'm tring to say is that it was just really cool.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

That's why it's my favorite i saw him do it watching reruns of the 2008 wjf short program

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

Hello and welcome.


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