I usually warm up with 3 clubs by doing 20 catch runs of singles then doubles…

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Orinoco -

I usually warm up with 3 clubs by doing 20 catch runs of singles then doubles then triples then quads. I make sure there are no wrong end catches, no shuffling & I throw with a nice even rhythm. I noticed last night that when going from singles to doubles it took me a few throws to settle into the correct rhythm, but oddly not when going from doubles to triples to quads. So I spent some time ironing that out by going back to an exercise which Sean Gandini talked to me about in 2002 where you juggle 8 singles then 4 doubles. Both sections of throws should take the same amount of time to complete when done well.

When not playing some sort of musical instrument Laurence was working on his devilsticking after being inspired by Steve Ragatz at the BJC. Simon was working on doing a pirouette while maintaining a chin balance, Cat was still playing with his parasol, I helped Karina continue with her passing education & Kev seems to be making good progress with 5 clubs. Hopefully he will be able to avoid severing a main artery with his throwing knives long enough for him to get a consistent qualify.


Little Paul - - Parent

"8 singles then 4 doubles. Both sections of throws should take the same amount of time to complete when done well" - interesting exercise. I don't think I've ever tried that one.

I'll add it to my list of "things to not quite get around to trying at #bungay"

Orinoco - - Parent

It made up a section for a routine Sean was choreographing for a local festival. We did the sequence in pairs, one starting on singles the other doubles, the aim being to keep the changes in synch. If you'd like a partner to keep time with I'll be there maybe after I've finished playing a board game, or after I've played croquet, or I may just read my book amongst the buttercups...


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