Traffic light juggling #ARTICLE

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Daniel Simu -

Traffic light juggling #ARTICLE

So yeah, in case you want to comment on my latest eZine writing, please do so here!

Also, I'll be going to Cirque de Demain. Jugglers in the festival will be:

  • Akira Fukagawa - Diabolo
  • Viktor Moiseev - Juggling
  • Zoomadanke - Kendama
  • 3J (raw art) - club passing

I hope I have the chance to interview some of them for my next article, is there anything specific you'd like me to ask?

7b_wizard - - Parent

Great, a welcome read and watch on what interests me!

I never do more than 1 hour at a time; it is fun at first but after just half an hour I find it tiring and repetitive.
You never know what will happen and people in cars are different.

[roughly cited:] 5b routine with best tricks needing concentrated focus -> 10 € versus 3b tricks + interacting with the cars --> hat brimmed
Looks like people are paying for being contacted, for your will to entertain them, unlike more than for any skill.

It's not legal
On the other hand cities like to boast with a vivid cultural life in town when putting forth their image in prospects for tourists or in the media. So, cities and police mustn't be too severe with you.

Andres Holguin .. Oh, my goodness!
Watched Manuel till the end.
Pretty spectacular machete juggling, also. You made a nice choice of different videos!

[..] and your skill level is not as important as your humble smile.
So, .. using strong colour make up to highlight your smile will fill your hat more? :o])

I find interesting how people who wouldn't care if they saw same on tv or even at a circus, get excited (take photos, stand and watch, give tip) when they're life part of the scene.
Guess it's the unexpected eyecandy, and a setup amidst everyday's life.
I'm sure there's people taking a detour to see if the juggler's there again at that crossing.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

I am glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the comments :).

Yes, people get excited when you are out there especially for them. However, only half of the cars pay attention to you, plenty of people just look away...

7b_wizard - - Parent

That's the broke ones ;o)

LukasR - - Parent

please ask the "drug passing guys" why they choose the title "drugs" for their video

Daniel Simu - - Parent

good one, I'll do that :)

Rob van Heijst - - Parent

Hint: It's probably the name of the song.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Thanks for reminding me, I knew there was something about that :p


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