[Volunteers needed!

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Turbo 418 -

[Volunteers needed!] Turbo Fest 10

Hey hey. If you'd like to enjoy the 70 hours of straight juggling, all the awesome performances, high-levels workshops and general party times FOR FREE... then all you need to do is sign up.

In exchange for a tiny 9 hours of volunteering, you get a full festival pass (that leaves 61 hours of free time, and you didn't even pay to get in!).
If that sounds interesting to you, just send a message over to benevole@turbo418.com and we'll see what we can do.


loganstafman - - Parent

Can I still volunteer if je ne parle pas français?

Turbo 418 - - Parent

Yes you can sir (and sorry for the slow reply). Most volunteer situations are in pairs, so we'll always make sure at least French and English are spoken between you (and other languages are always a nice bonus).


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