British Juggling Convention 2012 HLGCBS

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magicalmarkwatson -

British Juggling Convention 2012 HLGCBS

H: Entering BYJOTY and getting a pretty good reception from the crowd. Didn’t win anything, but it was great performing in a proper big top alongside some really great young jugglers!

L: Waking up in the middle of the night with a cold nose – it happened several times!

G: Enter BYJOTY – yes!
Run a couple of successful workshops – yes! (Anybody with feedback on my 4 and 5 ball beginners workshops? Good and bad, all is useful!)

C: The Gandini Juggling Project - didn't it have to be? All of their performances were incredible, and I loved Smashed!

B: I had to miss a few workshops I really would have liked to go to due to my involvement in BYJOTY – ah well, I can’t enter again anyway and I’m very glad I did.

S: Getting to play Gladiators late on Saturday night with some of the Gandini jugglers, Tony Pezzo, Luke Wilson and Francoise! Great fun!

#hlgcbs #bjc2012

Orinoco - - Parent

H: The black & silver disco: a top notch band, lots of bouncing around & really nice to see so many people make the effort to dress up (or down) for the occasion.

L: The campsite clearing on Sunday, continually thinking, "Right that lot are still packing up, they'll sort out that pile of rubbish..." then on the next trip seeing that the people had left it all behind.

Many thanks to all those who did sort out their own rubbish.

G: Help out lots - Check.
Win some games of gladiators - Check (still a poor second to Simon though).

C: The Gandini Juggling Project. It was their festival. 2 amazing dedicated shows & a storming spot in the Public Show. They are the absolute pinnacle of juggling today.

B: My lips. The cold wind & sea air ensured they were cracked & falling apart for most of the festival. I'm not sure what the staff at Waitrose thought of me but all I bought was excessive quantities of cider & vaseline.

S: Didn't get lynched about this website.


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