5 ring 753 records

5 ring solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
105 catches Heydar2025-03-04
30 catches Jamie2023-01-03
21 catches Mark Fiore2018-03-20
20 catches varkor2016-04-22

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
105 catches Heydar2025-03-04clean
99 catches Heydar2025-01-09So close...
90 catches Heydar2024-09-08
72 catches Heydar2024-07-14
60 catches Heydar2023-02-21clean
48 catches Heydar2023-02-06clean
45 catches Heydar2023-02-05clean
33 catches Heydar2023-01-31clean
30 catches Heydar2023-01-24back to cascade
30 catches Jamie2023-01-03
21 catches Mark Fiore2018-03-20
21 catches Heydar2016-12-08clean
20 catches Heydar2016-12-01dropped the last one on the collect :(
12 catches Heydar2016-07-21back to pattern
20 catches varkor2016-04-22
9 catches Heydar2015-05-07back to pattern
6 catches Heydar2015-01-31back to pattern
6 catches Mark Fiore2011-12-28