
Started juggling 2021-08

Juggler. Decent but definitely a work in progress.
I like theory.

Recent theory developments that I don't want to make a special point of posting:
Relationships between Duration (a siteswap throw; 1,2,3...), Destination (The end position of a throw in the pattern; for 5 in 531 destination is 3 [lands on the 3rd throw]), Loops (The number of times a throw 'passes' its destination throw before landing), Period, and Order (What position a throw has in the pattern; 2 in 531 is the 2nd throw.
- Duration= y
- Destination= d
- Loops= L
- Period= P
- Order= x

- LP= yx-yxL
- yxL= dxL-x

And with those you can make any number of interesting equations, including one where you can find the period of a pattern given a single throw's y, d, and L.

Also, one axiom that allows 333-> 441 is=
A: ss(Y1 yp)- ss((Y1+1) (yp+1-p)
where p is the period.

However, this is actually a composite of these axioms:
A:ss(y1 Ym yp)- ss(y1 Ym (yp-p))
A:ss(y1 Ym yp)- ss((y1 Ym yp)+1)
Where Ym is all digits between the first and the last.

This is because y1 with Ym together is equal to Y1. The +1 goes to both terms, the -p goes to just the last one.


Forum post count: 6

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