All juggling events in 2006
Juggling events in Brazil, 2006
Thursday, 27 July 2006 to Monday, 31 July 2006
The Malabares Rio - Malabares as art and philosophy - are an event carried through for the C.I.C - Interactive Center of Circus - that goes to happen between days 27 and 31 of July of this year, in the space of the CIC and different points of the city of Rio de Janeiro. As an extension of the Weekly Meeting of Juggling that already happens since 1999 in the CIC, the event Malabares Rio has the objective to promote and to show this art for the general public. In five days of festival, Rio de Janeiro will be colored by expert artists of the juggling, workshops, talking, match of volleyclub and a stage competitive as incentive jugglers to present its numbers. The Malabares Rio wants to show to the juggling as art and as practical that it instigates the collective work, the growth and the personal transformation. The event will be constituted of:
1.Stage Competitive
The night of the Stage Competitive will be in day 30 of July, from the 20 hours, in the space of the Interactive Center of Circus, in the neighborhood of Lapa. The participant only can compete with complete performance; that is, a closed conception, as name, caracteres and sound track. The acts will be judged by a group of 7 competent and experience juries in the artistic context. The night of awards of the Malabares Rio will be, in day 31 of July, from the 20 hours. Stage Competitive will go to award the three first places, and two revelations, feminine and masculine . The jugglers awardes will go to performer them selves again in the closing of the Malabares Rio, will be the show of the night!
The Malabares Rio has as objective a multiplying effect of this circus philosophy. 4 workshops of juggling during the event, two for beginning and two for the advanced level will be given. The registrations will be made half hour before the beginning of the workshop. It sees the days and schedules in the programming.
3.Public Stage in LAPA
The Malabares Rio promises a great surprise in one public stage under the Arches of the Lapa in the second night of the event, a juggling public stage in the street! To the 20 hours in day 28 of July, the Lapa.
4.Jugglers Talking:
Following the name of the festival, the Malabares Rio - Juggle as Art and Philosophy - prepared for the last day of the event two circus tables of talking with, professional jugglers, artists and some surprise guest. The first table will be on the subject: "Juggle Philosophy and Art" and soon after the table "Juggle and work market". The talking start to the 16 hours of day 31 of July, in the Interactive Center of Circus. They do not lose the chance to think on the future of juggling!
5.Performance in Tourist Points
The Malabares Rio wants to move the tourist points of Rio de Janeiro and to show the circus art to the all the city. In the third day of event, Saturday, day 29 of July, from the 13 hours, we are planning an intervention with jugglers and musicians in the main tourist points of the city! To participate, the jugglers must be registred in the event, be with caracteres and arrive one hour before in the CIC!
6. Beach Volleyclub Championship
Frequentely practised at the juggling meetings and conventions, volleyclubs goes to be in the Ipanema Beach. The match starts to the 10 hours of the morning of day 30 of July, in Posto 9 of the Ipanema Beach. The match goes to be presented by the DJ Mosca, of the Interactive Center of Circus and promises a lot of fun. The Malabares Rio goes to award the 3 winning pairs and podium will be fixed in the beach! To participate it enters in the site of the event!