(9. Festival novog cirkusa, Zagreb to its friends)
All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in Croatia, 2013
Wednesday, 20 November 2013 to Sunday, 24 November 2013
U vrijeme kad koncept Europske unije obećava zajedništvo, europski je istok i dalje egzotično mjesto koje najmanje poznajemo. U snažnoj opoziciji novih i tradicionalnih cirkuskih izričaja koje u našoj predodžbi često dijeli željezna zavjesa, 9. Festival novog cirkusa otkriva što se stvara u sjeni te ograde.
Od 20. do 24. studenoga s umjetnicima iz Češke, Grčke, Makedonije/Francuske, Njemačke, Slovenije i Hrvatske otkrivamo suvremeni cirkus Istočne Europe. U konferencijskom dijelu programa problematiku profesionalnih cirkuskih produkcija u istočnom kontekstu razmatramo i s gostima iz Poljske, Mađarske te Srbije…
At a time when the concept of the European Union promises unity, East Europe remains an exotic place still fairly unfamiliar. In stark opposition to the new and traditional circus expression which are, in our perception, often divided by the Iron Curtain, the 9th Festival Novog Cirkusa (New Circus Festival) reveals what is being created in the shadow of that fence.
From 20 to 24 November, artists from Czech Republic, Greece, Macedonia/France, Germany, Slovenia and Croatia reveal the contemporary circus of Eastern Europe. In the conference section of the programme we analyse the issue of professional circus productions in Eastern context with additional guests from Poland, Hungary, Serbia…