27th April 2013 - Unicycle & Circus Meetings for beginners to experts!

(Unicycle & Circus Meetings to its friends)

All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in United Kingdom‎, 2013


Saturday, 27 April 2013, 10:00 to 18:00


Bishop Perowne CofE college Merriman's Hill Road Worcester Worcestershire WR3 8LE


Hi Unicyclists/Jugglers

As you may have noticed from the subject line, we have decided to change the meetings to include circus skills…..

so if you would like to learn how to ride a unicycle or learn new tricks or play unicycle hockey or do the unicycle certificates or have a go at the 'funny' bikes or ride a 4ft, 5ft or 6ft…..there are so many things to do!!

Circus Skills:
and if you want to juggle, diabolo, flower stick, walk a tightrope, learn to spin a ball on your finger, yoyo, and anything else you fancy!

***Come along and have a go***

10am - 6pm

£10.00 each

The venue is:
Bishop Perowne CofE college
Merriman's Hill Road

Other dates booked (so put them in your diary NOW!!!!)
15th June 2013
17th August 2013

This is a HUGE venue!!!! 2 Halls, 1 huge sports hall and 1 really big gym. Loads of room for all the uni-hockey and lots of space for the beginners so they are not going to be in each others way.

The event will run from 10am-6pm with entrance at £10. There will be a raffle and a few workshops that we shall run:
* Beginners unicycling
* Intermediate-advanced freestyle
* Mounts.
* Juggling
* Diabolo
* Bounce Ball Juggling
* Spinning Ball
and more….
We will also run a games session of gladiators and the usual silly games and also thought about setting up the IUF obstacale course for some time trials if there are interested participants. At future events there will likely be UUU level testing.

We would really like these uni-meets to be a community event where unicyclists/jugglers of all ages can come and practice and share skills. We welcome anyone who wants to run a workshop and will provide space for hockey enthusiasts as long as someone is willing to organise the matches on the day.

Basically these events will become what you make them. The more people who come and are prepared to help out with organising hockey matches or running workshops, the more everyone will get out of the day. If not its just a nice big space to practice and meet like minded people.

Hope to see you there

Steve Grainger
Shooting Stars Circus Skills
07970 107845

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Unicycle & Circus Meetings elsewhere on the Edge

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