All juggling events in 2012
Juggling events in United States, 2012
Friday, 2 November 2012 to Sunday, 4 November 2012
Florida Flow Fest is designed to offer 3 major workshop tracks for dance participants by day, and flow parties with live music by night. Workshops in the areas of Prop Manipulation, (hoop dance, juggling, poi and staff spinning), Dance (Bellydance, African Dance, Capoeira, Breakdance), and Yoga will run simultaneously, giving participants as many as 3 different dance and flow arts workshop opportunities at any given time. This allows novice participants the option of sampling different skills sets and styles, and maintains the rigor of depth within each form for expert dancers looking to sharpen their skills. International touring master instructors in each field are thrilled to bring their movement workshops to Lake Worth for Florida Flow Fest!