All juggling events in 2010
Juggling events in United States‎, 2010


Wednesday, 21 July 2010 to Sunday, 25 July 2010


Riviera Hotel Las Vegas, NV



This is a WJF event.


WJF 6 will be five jam packed days full of the highest level of juggling anywhere in the world. Jugglers from all over the globe have been coming to WJF competitions since 2004 and continually raising the bar in our industry. A lot of people think they're not good enough to attend the convention or that it's only for competitors however the WJF conventions are the most inspirational and entertaining events for anyone interested in juggling, regardless of their skill level. And we provide beginning juggling instruction and beginner levels in all of our workshops. Even if you arrive without ANY juggling ability at all, here's what you'll experience at WJF 6:

* Learn how to juggle three balls or three clubs from Jason Garfield and advance your skills with overhead throws and backcrosses
* Witness the highest level of juggling in several competitions, practice exhibitions, and shows
* Meet great jugglers from all over the world
* Learn some amazing and innovative three ball juggling techniques from our special guest workshop leader, Falco Sheffler, in four days of workshops
* Learn how to juggle rings from one of the best ring jugglers in the world, Pavel Evsukevich
* Use our practice space at the Riviera's Royal Pavilion to work on your juggling, watch others practice, or mingle and meet other jugglers. It's our common "hang out" where everyone goes to see what's going on that's not on the schedule.
* Be at our first event to hold a "Long Program" competition in which competitors will now have six minutes to demonstrate how well they perform (scored on technical difficulty, performance, choreography, execution, and originality
* Return home with memories of an experience you'll never forget. If you're into juggling, this is a MUST!
* Oh yeah, and if you feel like it - check out Las Vegas!

"I created the WJF because this is the kind of event that I wish existed when I was a kid and through my 20s - when I was at my best and pushing myself to continually improve. Had this event existed back then I would easily be ten times a better juggler than I am now. It's great to see how jugglers of this generation are able to participate in the WJF events to further their abilities." - Jason Garfield, WJF President

Who went

WJF 6 elsewhere on the Edge

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