Juggling and Physical Theatre Seminar

All juggling events in 2009
Juggling events in Italy‎, 2009


Wednesday, 27 May 2009 to Tuesday, 2 June 2009


Fossa (Aq) Small village in the Appenines



Held by Anthony Trahair www.myspace.com/trahair

From Wednesday 27.05.09 afternoon (16hr) until Tuesday 02.06.09 morning (13hr)

Good technique is an excellent starting point for juggling, we have to learn new tricks and exercises to go forward, but we mustn't remain here.
We should learn to have 'fun playing around' to get into the spirit of juggling, moving from what to do towards how to do it.
We must unite ourselves with that which we are doing and only in this way can we express ourselves through this noble art if we wish to perform with juggling or simply wish to enjoys ourselves more from our juggling.

We are referring to the preparation work of a juggling actor/dancer.

The aim of the seminar is to use juggling and understand with a progressive and functional training to become more involved in what we are doing, making it fluid, reliable, expressive and theatrical with greater awareness not to abandon the juggling technique already mastered to make theatre, but to make the playing rich, varied and personal using consciously the space and taking time to be seen and to BE on stage.

Living a character or an atmosphere we can learn how to react even in the case of drops!

Working also with timing, rhythm, musicality and intensity of expression we can take our technique and use it as a means of expression, as is with dance, music... arts that have already developed this aspect.

This seminar, fruit of many years of experience, proposes a rich and exciting itinerary full of surprises. Only actively taking part one can understand just how much this seminar can add to the artistic 'baggage' of each participant.

Body work:
We start with a practice of an early morning Hatha Yoga class, and various exercises and games to stimulate physical expression during the day.

Followed by a period of juggling training. Each partecipante develops, under guidance, a functional and progressive training programme learning to juggle with minimum effort, with more fluidity and more sureness, starting with the capacity of each participant to go beyond.

Juggling and music, using that which the music offers and working with the rhythm and the mood.

Physical theatre and improvisation:
Various exercises and games for physical expression.
Exercise to develop stage presence.
Work on our capacity to "Day-dream" and on our imagination and therefore our fantasy and creativity.
Improvvisazione della giocoleria nello spazio da soli, in due ed in gruppo.
Juggling improvisations in the space alone, in couples and in a group.
Time is allocated to looking for our individual style.


The seminar is held in the truly magical village of Fossa (near Aquila) in the middle of the Apennines mountains in Italy (Airport - Pescara or Roma Ciampino please write for more details). Since 2001 has hosted many jugglers and artists from the whole of Italy and the world!

This seminar is aimed at people that have a basic level in juggling and would like to deepen there understanding as a means of expression. Playfulness is essential as is the desire to discover new possibilities. Suitable also for jugglers that don't wish to perform but wish to become more fluid. Often we start to learn to juggle self-taught but after some time teaching becomes necessary, I mean going from technique not to create clones but to have a common foundation as with other arts.
The teaching is varied enough so that each individual can find his or her own space, guided and not forced.
All this is a creative atmosphere, where everybody has something to learn and deepen independently of their starting point.

For who is interested in participating we ask for a brief description of relevant experience and motivation to occhialisenzavetro@gmail.com
or calling +39 347 8878662

The price of the seminar is 190 Euros registered by 13/05/2009, 210 euro after this date with a deposit of 80 Euro, simple lodgings included.

Anthony Trahair works with juggling since 1994.
In 2006 he finished his studies at Scuola Teatro Dimitri (www.scuolateatrodimitri.ch) - Academy for Physical Theatre - 3 years away from everything but his studies in a lost valley in Switzerland!
Pratica intensamente yoga da oltre 10 anni e studia una diversità di discipline dal al acrobatica al contact improvisation.
He practises yoga intensely for over 10 years and studies a wide range of disciplines from taijiquan to acrobatics to contact improvisation.
He is now presenting his Show Harry Hair's Fantastic Cabaret Show on tour in Italy.
Together with Guido van Hout performed at the opening show in the Athens EJC 2007.

He loves to play and is fascinated by life.

Lessons are held in Italian and if needed can be translated in English

Who went

Juggling and Physical Theatre Seminar elsewhere on the Edge

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