Threads tagged #ipswichjugglingworkshop

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Viewing all threads tagged #ipswichjugglingworkshop.

This tag could refer to:
Ipswich Juggling Workshop


jugglingjane -

#ipswichjugglingworkshop...all equipment provided

yDgunz - - Parent

Since a large number of people on here seem to be from England maybe this is a stupid question but... England or Massachusetts, USA?

Orinoco - - Parent

...if we are going with stupid questions I'm wondering if "all equipment" includes the machine that goes PING!

Little Paul - - Parent

I should build one of those

Mïark - - Parent

If you follow the # trail you could find that #ipswichjugglingworkshop takes you (eventually) to Ipswich Juggling Workshop's Juggling Edge listing which says it is in Suffolk, UK.

If you are looking for a club near Ipswich, MA; Juggling Edge says the MIT / Boston Area Juggling Club is the nearest.

yDgunz - - Parent

Ah, yeah, shoulda just looked it up myself. I've been to the MIT club a few times, wish it wasn't on a Sunday as it conflicts with football.

The Medford Spin Jam meets at Tufts University, I've been a few times and some jugglers go, would you guys consider a spin jam (mostly hoop, poi and whatnot) a "juggling club"? If so, I'll add it to the list.

emilyw - - Parent

I'd say yes as in my experience, spinners are easily corruptible and if you're patient and keep at it, you'll have them converted in no time.

Orinoco - - Parent

Hmm, sorry missed this post, yep we already have a few in the database.


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