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Brook Roberts -

No, check out MY new ejuggle article.

Seriously though, I wrote an ejuggle article on some passing patterns.
It's at
I'm going to write some more.

So I'm quite interested in feedback, particularly from people who might actually keep reading these, and especially from people who might try these out. Both regarding style, format, and the sort of thing they would be interested in seeing in future articles.

I'm going to try and balance the difficulty of the articles, having some easier, some harder. For the avoidance of doubt, this is an 'easy' article, meaning that your juggling skill does not need to be very high to attempt the patterns. That doesn't mean you won't find it hard if you've never tried passing long siteswaps before, just that you might share your difficulties with a five club juggler who hasn't passed these things before. (the 7 club partner patterns are not so easy)

Diagrams made using the juggling edges lovely causal diagram editor, now with fewer bugs ;)

Please tell me if you actually try these out - it'd be nice to pretend people really do try things from the articles...

#causal #passing #iforgetifthisisthecorrectwaytoaddhashtagshere

Maria - - Parent

Cool. Will read again and watch some videos when I'm not at work.

You have an error in the Notwhy causal diagram.

Brook Roberts - - Parent

Ah, the, er, deliberate mistake to check if people read it.

Thanks - I'll have to work out if I can actually edit articles after they are published!

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Nice to see you are writing too :).

The Void - - Parent

After a cursory skim, I'd just like to say I appreciated the phrasing of "If you are comfortable with five club Whynot – why not try Notwhy?". :)

Brook Roberts - - Parent

I did resist the urge to make a much longer sentence involving whynotwhy as well :)

York Jugglers - - Parent

Good article, is really good to see more articles on passing, let me know if you write any more as I only look at that ezine thing when directed.

I think you should explain what a trelf is though (you do explain what a heff is (3 paragraphs after first using it) but I am not sure if straight self would immediately be recognised as a self returning to the hand that threw it - also you describe a heff as "(what passers call a 4 in siteswap)" I think jugglers call it a 4, passers might call it a 8).

jamesfrancis - - Parent

Trelf is an expression Brook is trying to popularise which is yet to become standard vernacular to my knowledge.

For the record I dislike it since spoken patterns including the word 'trelf' preceded or followed by 'self' don't roll off the tongue and for most purposes it is safe to assume a triple is a self thrown rather than a passed triple anyway.

Agree on heff comments

jamesfrancis - - Parent

Very nice Brook. Really appreciate someone writing some new passing stuff. I may even try out some of those longer period patterns too, since I have (possibly) never seen them before.

My main critique would be to find a better backdrop for the videos (it is a bit cluttered) and maybe include both 4 handed and prechac notation for all of the tricks (although again I would advocate 4 handed for all Asynch patterns). Other than that easy to follow and interesting subject to explore.

I look forward to the next article.

Brook Roberts - - Parent

Noted on videos.
Yes, I should have included all siteswaps (although I think I did mostly?).
I agree on 4 handed ss, but think that is less accessible to people who don't know siteswap.

Maybe in future I'll include:
4 handed ss
Video or animation

And just leave out all prechac.

The patterns are from a workshop I have given twice. I invented the longer patterns, I don't know if someone else has independently. Interesting that you may now try them out - I seem to remember spending some time trying to convince you to put 5 club siteswaps (ignoring zaps) in your spreadsheet, and Aidan to put some in his book, as interesting easier patterns, and being rebuffed both times.
I suspect you could sight read everything except the 531534 business, which I found took a small bit of calibration.

Mats1 - - Parent

Siteswaps for patterns in future articles?

Brook Roberts - - Parent

As in, an explanation of passing siteswap? Or something else?

Mats1 - - Parent

Just the siteswap of each trick. It makes it much easier to understand.

Brook Roberts - - Parent

OK, noted. I was unsure what form to put this stuff in - between prechac, 4handed ss, causal diagrams, animation, using words and videos, there are quite a lot of ways of representing the same trick - I didn't want to use all of them.

Mats1 - - Parent

Oh and yes thanks for the article. Greatly look forward to more if you have the time and inclination!!!

Daniel Kelsall - - Parent

Nice article, UNL juggling club had fun trying a couple of the patterns out this week. I've only managed to get Parsnip down so far, but I'm eager to learn more next week.

It might be helpful in future articles if you give tips for remembering what each person should be doing. For example, Parsnip really clicked for me when a friend explained it's three passes with the left then 3 passes with the right etc.

Really looking forward to the next article!


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