4th Nordic Convention

All juggling events in 1988
Juggling events in Denmark‎, 1988


Friday, 6 May 1988 to Sunday, 8 May 1988


Sct . Annagade Skole, Sct. Annagade/Ingerslev Boulevard, Aarhus

This is a Nordic Juggling Network event.


For the first time the Nordic Convention will take place outside Copenhagen. In 1988 it will be held in Aarhus ("the cultural capital of Denmark") from 6- 8 May.

There will be juggling in the hall, workshops in the small gym. We will arrange free accommodation in the dormitories for the first 100 people to contact us. People with children or other special needs can be accommodated in private homes. Under the hall you'll find a café where you can buy food, coffee and so on. Games and parade in town before the public show on Saturday evening. We intend to match the standard of the previous Nordic Conventions.

The juggling hall will be open Friday 1pm - 11pm, Saturday 8am - 11pm and Sunday 8am - 4pm.

The address of the school where it's all happening is:
Sct. Annagade Skole, Set. Annagade/Ingerslev Boulevard, Aarhus C.
It's only 10 minutes' walk from the Central Station. lf you can't find it, just ask - almost everyone knows the school. Good luck!

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