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Orinoco -

Roughly 18 years ago when I was 14 years old I went along to my first ever juggling club meeting at the old Croft Scout Hall in Hastings. One of the highlights of the evening was playing what they called the circle game. So last night in a fit of nostalgia Mr Bosco & I got everyone together for a bit of a play.

It's very simple. Get everyone to stand in a circle with one hand in the air. As the circle leader you will have a large pile of balls at your feet. Take one ball & throw it to someone on the other side of the circle, that person puts their hand down, they then pass the ball to someone else with their hand up. Ask everyone to remember who they are receiving from & passing to. Repeat this until everyone has been included, the last person left holding the ball passes it back to you. Now send the ball round again because by this time at least one person will have forgotten who they are passing to. From this point on the object of the game is to get as many balls going round as possible, as the leader you get to dictate the pace by feeding more balls into the pattern. Hilarity will ensue.

There are lots of ways to add more confusion. For instance last night we had regular balls going round the pattern one way & large splats going the other way. We also had a bouncy ball that had to be bounced around the circle.

This is a great way of including people who may not be able to juggle & helping them feel part of the group. Because newbies tend to group together (ie standing next to each other in the circle) they are more likely to end up receiving from & passing to a more experienced juggler on the other side, so the experienced jugglers are well positioned to smooth out difficult throws.

I think that a group of experienced jugglers using both hands passing as they would when doing 2n+1 ultimates could run this type of pattern with an enormous number of balls.

#hcc #workshopgames

Pippy12 - - Parent

I have been looking for games that include non-jugglers when we get new members into our society so thanks for posting this! If you or anyone else have others that come to mind, it would be greatly appreciated.

emilyw - - Parent

Pair people up. Each pair takes three juggling clubs. They hold one club between their two foreheads, and the other two clubs between their hands parallel to the first club. Then, Gladiators!

Stredging is one I haven't seen for a while. Each couple (hereafter known as Alice and Bob) drops a line of five balls. Alice stands at one end of the line. Bob stands at the other end of the line with one foot either side of a ball. On "GO", Bob grabs the ball between his feet and flicks it to Alice. Bob attempts to land with one foot either side of the next ball, flick that, land on the next and so on. First pair to have all five balls in the hands of Alice wins.

You can play the untangling hands game. From memory it goes as follows: Everybody squeezes together into a tight group. Everybody reaches into the group with both hands and finds two other hands to hold onto, making a big knot. The group then have to untangle themselves, without letting go of any hands, until they are in a circle.

Little Paul - - Parent

Minor clarification detail for stredging - both Alice and Bob are facing the same direction, Bob is flicking the ball backwards to Alice who is stood behind him.

emilyw - - Parent

The alternatives brought to mind by this explanation sound like they could be quite entertaining...

The Void - - Parent

Everyone stands in a circle, facing inwards, with one ball in their right hand. On a "3,2,1" countdown, everyone throws their ball straight up, steps to their right, and catches the ball thrown by the person on their right. (Throw, step, catch). Repeat until the whole circle catches successfully. Then repeat with a step to the left instead. Then repeat using left hand instead of right. Then repeat seeing how many full-circle-success steps you can get in a row.

Little Paul - - Parent

Bonus points available if the whole circle can do "left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right"

Lorri - - Parent

Can we just recommend childhood games?

Heads or Tails
Each person except the leader puts their hands on either their heads or rears (tails). The leader flicks a coin and everyone who gussed wrong is out. Repeat until one person is left.

The school fundraising version is for everyone to donate 50p to enter and the winner gets half the money (the other half goes to the school).

Little Paul - - Parent

I'd not heard of that one before, but I like it.

In the (rather) unlikely event that I end up running a games session at a convention in the near future, I'll endeavour to remember that one.

Lorri - - Parent

My (primary school teacher) twin sister told me about it yesterday. I immediately thought it would be good for juggling convention games!

emilyw - - Parent

Oh I have another one! "Simon Says" is particularly useful if you have a wide ability mix and you're suffering from one or two pesky talented folks winning all the games.

All you have to do is say "DB97531" at the beginning to get rid of the annoyingly good people, then you can continue in the usual fashion with "Simon Says Scratch Your Bottom" and so on.


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