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UK Southern Regional Kendama Championships


Orinoco -

I've got lots of photos from Simon:




I last viewed them at work in some outdated version of Internet Explorer. Now I'm at home with all my modern browsers I can't see a bloody thing. So, err... good luck.

(In Opera if I disable javascript I can get a list of broken thumbnails that I can click on to see the full image. Doesn't seem to work in anything else?)

The Void - - Parent

Working fine here on ipad.
Yay, SRC pics! Cheers.

Jemnezmy - - Parent

I can see them fine using Chrome!

Mïark - - Parent

The SRC photos appear to be labelled as British Kendama Open 2012 on the Dropbox they are linked to, or is it the same thing?

Orinoco - - Parent

Nope, a mislabeling on Simon's part. The pictures are from the Southern Regional Championship.

Everything seems to be working today, must have been a Dropbox blip.

The Void -

UK #Kendama Southern Regional Competition #src2012, Oct 28th, East Molesey. Now with added Intermediate division!

Orinoco - - Parent


...but do you *have* to keep putting swing to pinkie in the advanced trick list?!

The Void - - Parent

:-) It was either that or film a whole new video. Sorry, I was feeling lazy!

Orinoco - - Parent

Also, is this like the American Dodgeball Association of America? :p

The Void - - Parent

Hmmm, one of those "Kendama"s was probably superfluous.... :)

The Void - - Parent

Does anyone have a boombox they could bring along? (preferably with a jack socket auxiliary input)


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