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7b_wizard -

#obstacles - Have you solo juggled your props throwing around or over or between obstacles like poles, struts, freestanding walls, trees, bushes, branches, benches, doors, people, runways, stair's steps, bridges, .. ?

Mike Moore - - Parent

At recent IJAs, there has been The Gauntlet, which is a juggling obstacle course. Here's a video of the first one:

And the second generation:

Looking forward to what pops up in Texas.

Oh, and somewhat related: when playing combat at my club, I'll sometimes try to make people drop by huggling them. I'm waiting for when someone maintains a pattern through the transition!

7b_wizard - - Parent

Over the wall, through the ring, that mechanism under the timer and into the case is exactly what i meant (where the pattern, not so much you walking take the obstacle). Like the rest very much too especially the narrow slalom! Great!

EricS - - Parent

Jay Gilligan has a great three-ball routine through an entire jungle gym type structure on his Trilobyte DVD.


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