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Limestone City Juggling Festival


Mike Moore -

Limestone (Kingston) Festival!

Very excited for the Limestone City Juggling Festival this weekend! Emily and I are debuting a new routine/act, with the theme "Everything seems perfect when you start dating a juggler...until you find she juggles clubs". Based on a true story of mutual distaste for each other's prop of choice :)

Also super super impressed with the planning that's clearly gone into this fest. Looks like great venues and very impressive special guests.

So, erm, there's not much point to this post, other than I'm excited and needed to tell people.

emilyw - - Parent

Hmm my plane tickets have not showed up yet.

Mïark - - Parent

A hashtag to help give context #lcjf14

Mike Moore - - Parent

Thank you!

mtb - - Parent

Keen to see the act. Sounds like fun. :D

Mike Moore - - Parent

Are you coming to the Not Quite Pittsburgh fest? We're performing it there too, this weekend. The debut went better than expected, and we've added a little more character consistency for this round.

And #NQP7 ! I remembered this time!

mtb - - Parent

Given that I live on the wrong continent to everyone else on the Edge, probably not. ;)

South Africa can be a lonely place for a juggler.

Mike Moore - - Parent

Well, we'll be recording it tonight. If we get any particularly good runthroughs, I'll upload one. Maybe even if we don't.

mtb - - Parent

Cool. :)

Mike Moore - - Parent

We performed it at #NQP7 and it went pretty well. Will upload and share with the edge when we get the video.


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