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IV Convenção Paulista de Malabarismo e Circo


lucasgabd -

My foot, my dear foot. [VIDEO]

Don't take this too serious. Just some tricks with footcatches, there's a lot of dirty tricks yet, and there's tricks that I didn't record. One day we'll have a really better remake!
I just posted to cheer everyone up to the #IVCPMC ! There are only 4 days left!
more info:

Colin E. - - Parent

Great job, I really enjoy videos that have that rough feel, including drops and failed attempts. A much better reflection of real juggling!

lucasgabd - - Parent

Thanks Colin, is always good to have feedback!

lucasgabd -


Now this is a good reason for you to come to #IVCPMC
Rodrigo and Lucas just did a new video, and it's awesome!
High quality juggling with balls. Toss and contact.

nomorepoetsplease - - Parent

Phenomenal video, Lucas.
I've been meaning to comment on your posts here and on r.j for a while. Your videos are always great quality, creative, and showcase a lot of great juggling I've never seen before. Thanks for all the great material; I think you're making an incredible contribution to the juggling community.

nomorepoetsplease - - Parent

Phenomenal video, Lucas.
I've been meaning to comment on your posts here and on r.j for a while. Your videos are always great quality, creative, and showcase a lot of great juggling I've never seen before. Thanks for all the great material; I think you're making an incredible contribution to the juggling community.

lukeburrage - - Parent

Good stuff, Lucas! This is one of the rare videos where I enjoyed the videography skills the same as the juggling. I must admit I skipped forward once I realized the "quirky" introduction was going to last 2 minutes.

lucasgabd - - Parent

I'm really glad you liked it!
Just notice that the Lucas in the video is not me, is a great friend of mine that lives in Rio de Janeiro.

We're meeting again by the end of the month on the #IVCPMC

Thank you very much Alex, soon I'll be putting lots of new videos on my channel or

yes Luke, maybe the introduction is too long, but I like it too! Of course, it's not as cool as the rest of the video...

I'll tell them to take a look at your comments here, and to sign in to The Edge, if they want.


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