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Mike Moore -

Strengthening joints?

When I work on inverted sprung cascade[1], my elbows hurt the next day, even though at the time the pattern feels relaxed and lovely. I've not pushed things lately, but I'd really like to work on this (and some related patterns) harder.

Does anyone have any experience with prehab for elbows? The range of motion certainly isn't straining my flexibility, but would stretching help anyway[2]?

[1] - this is what ISC looks like, so you can see the particular movements:
[2] - looking for something more than a "it couldn't hurt!" answer here.

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

Try not to damage your elbows. I've had a recurring sore elbow for the past few weeks.. wasn't sure why, perhaps it's something juggling related. I have been practicing hi-lo inv box recently (still not running it but getting closer). My pain is at the top of my forearm, opposite side of elbow. I had tennis elbow a few years back, it took months to heal! A tennis elbow pressure strap, regular hard self-massaging to the painful area, and Ibuprofen helps alot. Ice is good too. ISC looks really crazy, I don't think many people can do that!

Mike Moore - - Parent

The pain your describing sounds like the same injury I've had a few times, practicing similar patterns. The first time, when I didn't know the warning signs, I was out for ~2-3 months.

Perhaps it's time to invest in a tennis elbow pressure strap. Thanks for the thoughts.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

In this trick you're placing sideways stress on a hinge joint. That's never any good, and I don't think you can do much to strenghten that joint.
What you probably can do is stretch and train the muscles around your shoulder to more actively and easily make the outward rotation. A physio/sports therapist should be able to guide you in that!

Mike Moore - - Parent

Interesting, thanks. I've heard other box jugglers talk about shoulders hurting from practicing these types of things, but I've never had any shoulder issues (I guess I'm lucky with those joints!). I'll be sure to be cognizant of that potential injury, though.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

I don't think you're potentially injuring your shoulder, I think your shoulder should be capable of taking the impact which is now getting on your elbow. Stretching the shoulder might help it do that!

Lift your arm to the front, and then bend the elbow with your forearm going up, so you're making pretty much the position you hold in the inverted sprung cascade. Now try to rotate your fore arm outwards while keeping the elbow in the same spot in space. This movement comes from the shoulder, not the elbow. However, if the shoulder is incabable of making this move easily, you might put some stress on the elbow joint sideways, which it can't deal with very well. By becoming more flexible, and/or stronger so that you can make the rotation more actively, you could release the stress on the elbow.

Maybe lookup "external shoulder rotation"

Mike Moore - - Parent

Ah, thanks for setting me straight, I had completely misinterpreted.

I've looked up external shoulder rotation, thanks.

7b_wizard - - Parent

Interesting thread. [ #injuries #anatomy #physio #elbow #shoulder ]

7b_wizard -

#injuries and preventing and curing them

@ Oscar [ comment on log #logthread ]
I think explosive moves without having warmed these moves, these parts of the body, up are especially dangerous / (or:) liable to provoke rips or aches. I do short stretching of arms, shoulders, back, legs (groin) before I juggle. When I get an ache, I loosen up / limber up or stretch that part or (in summer) take a swim and see if it gets better by that, then continue easy going with less balls (many smaller aches like that just disappear soon again), else - if it tends to hurt more, I try to go on juggling without the move that hurts, even else then quit.
@ all - So, preventing seems a good idea to me. Also not risking anything or not too much. Everyone, I'm sure, will cope differently with preventing, going on or quitting juggling, then curing.

7b_wizard - - Parent

[answering that log entry: ]

Oscar Lindberg - - Parent

Thank you! I was very warmed up, sweaty in fact, but probably not in these parts you talk about. I probably should focus more on warm-up and to listen to my body.

7b_wizard - - Parent

No doctor on board?
What, which wrong move, makes which injury?
E.g. several here cope with shoulder problems - what is it that makes these? I think, mine comes from every now and then stupidly doing as-high-as-I-can-throws with stronghand (overstretching?), but might also be from explosive save attempts of almost out of reach balls (against the movement of the rest of the body?). Also might be from too fast (then not all that high) pretty high I-can-get-that-one-more-throw-done-throws at the end of a run. Or from doing a too fast correct in high patterns. (???)

7b_wizard - - Parent

How do you folks cope with injury risk?


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