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loganstafman -


Hey Orin,

Not sure if this has been brought up before but this tiny nitpick has been bugging me. I personally only log a new record if its a personal best, and am not really sure why anybody would log otherwise. In any case, if I break my record twice in one day, I will sometimes log my record twice, each time I did it. The line graph showing my records will then go first to the higher record, then the lower one. This is the opposite of how it should be. An example is my four club fountain record.

Does this make sense? Is it even worth fixing? It could probably be fixed by storing the actual submission timestamp instead of just the date...

Orinoco - - Parent

Ah yes, there was a reason I did it like that. The DYGraphs library that produces the graphs will only display the first value for a given date when you hover the mouse over the image produced, I thought it would be better to show the best record so made sure that was listed first.

We already do record the timestamp of when the record was logged, but this is not necessarily the same as when the record was achieved. A lot of people specify earlier dates, asking them to record the time as well is a bit much I think.

I've come up with a workaround though which makes graphs look a bit more sensible.


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