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Cedric Lackpot -

"It's not what you do, it's how you do it". There is no limit to the number of times this may usefully be said.

This dated but very jolly video turned up on r/juggling earlier today, and is yet another object lesson in emphatically placing entertainment value over juggling skill.

Notice how the development of the routine is always driven by the needs of the narrative, not the needs of the insecure juggler to bust out ever more yawn-inducing big tricks. It has a clear beginning, middle, and end; is properly paced; is narrative driven and character informed; and contains a satisfying variety of tricks, gags, plot twists, and ensemble input. It is also cheesier than a Tesco Wheel Of Cheese, but that's part of the charm.

I also realise that many r.jers and bedroom numbers bashers won't remotely get it, but that's just what happens when people perceive juggling as a monoculture.

I don't know if Jason Garfield is familiar with this guy, but his deadpan delivery very much reminds me of Slappy the Klown around the time he was walking off with IJA prizes in the early noughties.

Enjoy, or don't.


Little Paul - - Parent

that was marvelous with some genuine lols from me...

I've seen him do that routine on clips of other variety shows, but this version appears to be from his own TV Special... I now want to see the rest of that TV Special!

Does anyone know what it was called, or know where a complete copy could be found online?

Norbi - - Parent

That was perfect. I was laughing the whole way through (well, a huge exception for the turkey/etc joke at the end. But I doubt I'm alone there).Thanks very much for sharing.

mtb - - Parent

I thoroughly enjoyed that. Even the overly cheesy turkey &c joke at the end.

Orinoco - - Parent

That's Scorch & a young Ronn Lucas moving off to the left at 0:38!

That was fantastic.

Little Paul - - Parent

So it is! I now *really* want to see the whole show, Ronn Lucas and scorch are one of my favourite all time vent acts


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