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Ballring Circus Convention 2012


The Void -

I'm off to #ballring on Saturday. The show line-up looks pretty decent, although I've seen most of them before.
#jaded #ballring2012

Orinoco - - Parent

I don't know who wrote Mats C's blurb:

(although still nowhere near as good as them)

But I don't think that's the best approach to marketing! That aside it does indeed sound like a good show.

Little Paul - - Parent

There's a possibility the snow promised overnight will be too heavy for me to drive to the middle of nowhere (like I was planning to) which would leave me with nothing to do on Saturday.

As I live spitting distance from the M5 which is almost certain to be clear anyway - there's a chance I might make it to Brum afterall!

The Void - - Parent

Jon Udry rocked it. His stage presence gets better every time I see him. Nunyat was solid and Ian was appropriately daft. (Hurrah for tray and tea-cups tricks!) #ballring2012 #ballring .


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