Threads tagged #BallringCircusConvention2014

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Ballring Circus Convention 2014


It's Him -

Ballring Circus Convention 2014 HLGCBS

H: Along with the standard meeting up with old friends etc. Most of my family managed to achieve at least one major improvement in one skill. David was able to wheel walk about 20', Peter learnt one-footed unicycling and Lucy learnt to free mount. I was much more successful with my throw ball over head and kick it back to my pattern. Two new and good acts in the show.

L: none

G: Get better at several tricks, achieved one. Practice devil stick, partially achieved.

C: I went there with my wife and family but my crush was on the pizza they sell in the bar.

B: none

S: finding out that the renegade had been and gone when I sat down for the show

#hlgcbs #BallringCircusConvention2014


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