7b_wizard's practice log

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5 ball tricks, 5prop mix, 3 ball tricks, 90 minutes

20' - 3b inv box - small pattern.   wide upto wholly outstretched arm very few times.   #otu #new - naturally transitioning into crossing throws of the low balls - can't say, what that was, some distorted 3b-tennis or maybe even a 3b-#FISC(??) with one ball lacking, as I did consecutive 3-s with same hand while other (empty) hand did nothing, but there was no 2x between those consecutive 3-s, so rather not, rather some hybrid.

48' - 5b rev casc - 61, 63, 53, 56 cl, 63, 73, 59, 55, 53, 57, 75, 53, 63, 59, 54 throws longest runs. [ 5b reverse cascade progress: 75 ]

22' - 5 mixed props, 4b1c - upto 10 rounds thrown a few times, best one to only a ball drop. - Took a while 'til I noticed underspins; (with underspins ``granted´´ so to say ..) risking "rather overspin" got it better.

Total practice time: 90 minutes

Location: indoors low ceiling

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