7b_wizard's practice log

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5 ball tricks, 4 ball tricks, 3 ball tricks, 130 minutes

45' - 5b single bx - Two times 8 bx per run (finally confirmed that exeptional run of a while ago), yet couldn't get anything alike again in rest of stint .. one 4/r into about a period of cascade throws, but then collapse, only, was next best.

65' - 5b rev casc - 41 cl, 35, 32, 33 cl, runs. [ 5b reverse cascade progress: 41 ]

10' - 4b-633 - 7 cl once. Mainly failing at first few throws. In search for sort of doing right in the right beat.

10' - 3b inv box - fluent enough to work on getting it more smashy, and got a few consecutives claws (of the columns), too .. it's just a natural way of catching them, when going down with the landing column, after all.

Total practice time: 130 minutes

Location: indoors low ceiling

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