GumybolzZ's practice log

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3 balls, 4 balls, 5 balls, 3bLEVEL:7, 120 minutes

I juggled for around 2hrs+, I wasn't keeping good enough track.

I got a better understanding of how i did one of the tricks, though i still don't understand the other variation. I'm tempted to post a tutorial on how to do it though i am not ready! I also practiced 4 and 5 a little bit, not for practice but just for fun. I practiced random tricks combined together and practiced level: 7 (3balls) and the session went very well, i had a ton of fun. :)

Edit:wow that trick looks crazy! I use to look at the upside down box as one of the most difficult tricks to learn, but after seeing all of those variations, that has changed XD.

Total practice time: 120 minutes

Location: Home

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