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bounce, 120 minutes

# bounce

1Bb: Lift and Force 3 throws.
2Bb: Lift and Force 3 throws. 2b Wimpy pattern.
3Bb: Lift and Force cascade runs of L 63 126 108 F 66 72 162 catches 3Bbmax: 162

4Bb: wimpy pattern, L 10/10 and F 7/10 flashes. then going for max L 16 18 40 and F 24 30 34 catches. 4Bbwimpymax: 40

5Bb: cascade collecting at 5, 10 and 20. then going for max runs of 22 24 catches. 5Bbmax: 24

good bounce session. so much fun

Total practice time: 120 minutes

Location: home

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