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Olivier -

Hello Fellows,

It's kind of a survey thing.
Would you be so kind to list the Juggling Shows you wish you had seen or you would love to watch again ?

I start with all the long shows from Jerome Thomas, like 4, or HicHoc. I could also say I,J,K from cie 111.

I would recommend to watch the new show of cie De Fracto with Eric and Guillaume, it really seems thrilling !
And for some acts, I'd love to see some edo daikagura on stage, i'd love to see Oliver GRoszer do the spoon trick too.

Rob van Heijst - - Parent

Shows I wish I would've seen: - Cie EA EO
- froggy galashow

Shows I'd like to see again: - Lento by Cie Nuua
- Water on Mars 2.0

I can't think of anymore now but I'm sure there are a few others.

Mike Moore - - Parent

I'm going to broaden this to shows and/or acts.

Shows I wish I'd seen:
Cie EA EO. I've heard so many good things about them.
Cat-Fu. I think that's the name...I saw them on a DVD once a few years ago, and I believe they were performing at a large European fest. They did ball passing, and never took out more than 6. If someone could give me a year/fest/show it'd be much appreciated!

Shows I'd watch again:
Michael Falkov did a stage show completely of him taking 3b (and some 4b) requests. It turned out amazingly, and I'd love to see it again (especially at a different venue, with a different audience)
Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala doing an intimate show at Turbofest 2010. Talking to eachother, and to the audience while doing splendid passing. One of the most charming shows I've seen.

Little Paul - - Parent

There are so many shows/acts from the past I'd have loved to have seen, but I think there are two I'm most jealous of the people who saw them.

1 - Anything, literally *anything* Archaos did. I never saw them live, I really wish I had.
2 - There was a show the Gandinis did in the mid 90s, which involved Sean juggling 5 white balls throughout the whole piece - solid control of 5 which you just didn't see in the UK at the time. The kicker at the end of the (10 minute?) piece was that Sean let all 5 balls drop, at which point they smashed on the floor being made of porcelain.

Shows I would love to see again
1 - The Curious Eyebrows - I think they called it "putting things on other things"
2 - Feeding The Fish - the original red globall routine was just *beautiful*

Orinoco - - Parent

I think the Eyebrows' act was "do stuff with things"

My favourite was, "put the garden in the house".

The Void - - Parent

I saw that Gandini show. I think it was nEither eiTher Both aNd. (Capitalisation may be off.) Sean "only" juggled those balls throughout the final part of the show - to Diamanda Galas' incredible version of Gloomy Sunday.

Little Paul - - Parent

"nEither Either botH and" apparently, according to the description on this extract:


The Void - - Parent

Actually, since I saw it in either '94 or '95, I think it was more likely to have been "CAUGHT - STILL /HANGING", since the description on this video...


...cites '94 as the year. Then I went to the source, https://gandinijuggling.com/previous-performances/, and discovered that "More information about previous performances and the history of the company will soon be available in a publication by Thomas Wilson, celebrating the last twenty years of Gandini Juggling." Ooh.

Little Paul - - Parent

*throws money at the screen*

It's Him - - Parent

I'm fairly sure that Gandini act you refer to was the one with whale music. Talking to Sean in August he remembered being booed off stage at the '93 BJC show with this act.


Orinoco - - Parent

Shows I wish I'd seen Paul Cinquevalli, Enrico Rastelli, Francis Brunn, Kara, Bobby May, Takashima, Magnus Nicholls... how long have you got? ;)

I don't have any major desire to see many acts again, I can generally remember what I need to quite vividly. Although I'd definitely like to see Senmaru again. & again & again & again.

Olivier - - Parent

Next EJC maybe ?

You're right, there's so many. I've watched Kris Kremo 13 times in a month and it was a real chance to be able to. That's the thing with acts that work. You can watch them again & again. If you don't have this feeling, I guess the act won't last long.
For "young" acts I could say Lorenzo Mastropietro, or Morgan.

The Void - - Parent

Rebla. Rob Murray. Will Carr. All the great gentlemen jugglers. Donald/skateboard/trampoline.

Again? Les Quatre Quarts. Luke Wilson's no excuse for dropping routine. Matt and Jim.

Little Paul - - Parent

Talking of Luke Wilson, I always wanted to see him perform as a magician rather than a juggler but never got the opportunity.


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