Guelph Juggling Mini-Fest!

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gcborawski -

Guelph Juggling Mini-Fest!

Highs: Receiving 2 tomahawk throws from Kai over 2 members of the opposing team in zombie combat

Lows: 45 minute wait to get back into the US...

Goals: I am still working on 5 club....progress is coming but very very slowly

Crushes: Mike Moore (thanks for organizing the festival!) and Terry (thanks for recording videos of world records!)

Bane: Being a bit sick this weekend.

Surprises: Awesome new games that I haven't played before including juggling quick draw, noodle combat, and the final ultimate game.

Mike Moore - - Parent

Thanks for posting! Glad you liked the games. For full disclosure, the first two were stolen from the Ann Arbor Juggling Fest.


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