Sergei Ignatov senior - 7 volleyballs?

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7b_wizard -

Sergei Ignatov senior - 7 volleyballs? How long?

me again :o] hi,

tried finding info on that, even translating kyrillic with babelfish. (Felt) decades ago, online I found a b/w picture of Ignatov holding the seven volleyballs (or were they only "large balls" like he used in his show?) and I can't even manage to find that again.
Does anyone know details about that worldrecord?

ejwysz - - Parent

I have seen a video of someone flashing 7 volleyballs from a cascade of 5, but I'm not sure who that was.

The only big ball video I can remember is this:

Pavel runs 7 at about 4m11s.

Norbi - - Parent

Here you go sir:

DavidCain - - Parent

They weren't volleyballs, but very large balls.
David Cain

7b_wizard - - Parent

thk 4 clip! .. yeah, here's similar too linked on and referred to in his profile on juggle.wikia as "large balls".
Now, I don't know where I got that from, but it's been burnt into my mind for years: "Ignatov volleyballs worldrecord" and that b/w-picture and he was famous for that record at the time. So, these clips are imressing enough   ( and with 6 seconds, that I counted, maybe enough too to refute this claim of unofficial worldrecord of Urs Rohrer on german wikipedia [cit.:] "Als 16-Jähriger spezialisierte er sich auf Volleybälle, mit denen er 1998 einen inoffiziellen Weltrekord in Rheinfelden (CH) aufstellte, indem er für 5 Sekunden mit 7 Volleybällen jonglierte. Er benutzte dabei einen Träger, welchen er sich um den Bauch band und so die zwei restlichen Volleybälle halten konnte. Mit den anderen fünf jonglierte er zuerst normal, warf sie dann höher, packte die zwei Volleybälle, jonglierte so weiter und fing alle 7 Bälle wieder auf." = in 1998, two in a holster, from five casc-> flashing five into 7 casc, catching all after 5 seconds, not throwing them to his assistant as Ignatov does .. however .. )   .. interesting enough, but nowhere referred to as world record and not explicitly a volleyballs like I have in mind ..
So I still hope s.o. can come up with details on that or confirm that in these clips he did use volleyballs.

7b_wizard - - Parent

sry! .. wrong copypaste for clip-link .. similar is here:

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Little Paul - - Parent

I'd forgotten about that video, and the video of his father is awesome too

7b_wizard - - Parent

gooood stuff, thk! Liked the precision of father's first very high 5b throws like two-three storys higher all of a sudden. Son's first "9" hurt my sinews.

Concerning Ignatov sen.'s large balls .. "The large and soft balls which he uses are children's balls which he bought in Japan and the like of which, he says, he has not been able to find anywhere else." [ cited by Christopher Majka in Juggler's World, "Sergei Ignatov: Climbing the Peaks of Juggling" ].   Maybe I should book this memory ("Ignatov sen. 7 volleyballs worldrecord") under mixed up and or misinformed, but I still do believe there's sth to it.

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7b_wizard - - Parent

Of course, I like it, but my concern is really nailing that distinct record I have in mind (not the emphasis on "large balls") .. that claim of this record done before by Ignatov sen. - as far as I remember (well?) - .. that claim on german Wikipedia woke this memory up. In any case, thanks for the hints!

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7b_wizard - - Parent

yeah, found that one too when surfing "large balls / volleyballs" .. a w e s o m e !

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7b_wizard - - Parent

Amazing! .. counted 14 throws of 7. And these look like volleyballs .. even bigger than many that goes as large ball.


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