When completing a "Log" it tells me my submitted form has worked in red text.

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lukeburrage -

When completing a "Log" it tells me my submitted form has worked in red text. EVERY time I see this red text I think I have done something wrong, and that I have to do it again. Red text means error, or a required field, or other. Black text would be the most neutral. Green text would instantly show that the form submission has worked.

Please fix.

peterbone - - Parent

Good point. This would probably be better going on the meta talk forum though.

lukeburrage - - Parent

I forgot that existed.

Orinoco - - Parent

There we go, try that. I changed the other sections that provide positive feedback too.

You will probably need to clear your cache of edge.css & records.js.

lukeburrage - - Parent

Cool. I didn't notice the difference when making a new log entry just now, but I also didn't get caught up on the red text. So I guess it worked!

Orinoco - - Parent


lukeburrage - - Parent

Much better now. The red text in the box on reload still looks like an error to me, but the Green is Good text is enough to overpower my automatic error detection sub-brain.


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