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The Void -

Hey #Upchuck, why no hash tag? Well you've got one now :-P Hey, let's make it 2... #upchuck2013. I'll be there, clicking away...

The Void - - Parent

Looks like quite a nice show line-up.

varkor - - Parent

I'd certainly agree with you on that one. I'm very much looking forward to it...

The Void - - Parent

My show pics are here:

The Void -

Bath #Upchuck2012

I had a good time at #upchuck this year. Played diabolos a little bit, quite a lot of kendama played and taught. Joined in the money juggling game, donating 22p to the hat. Also had a go at 5 club endurance, went wonky after a short run, and then got a clean finish... which I was greatly amused to recieve some chocolate for. Thanks Ieuan for making me laugh thusly. Good to see lots of people and chat too.

The show was really good. Really up there in terms of 1-dayer shows. Sam Veale was great as compère, as usual, complete with new (to me) material and tricks. I loved Jon & Alice's tea routine, Ryan's hat act was very enjoyable too. Ieuan looked like he was having a splendidly joyous time, and Seb was hilarious and technical at the same time. Loz did the kind of act that I hate - to wit, playing a character who wilfully refuses to recognise thier own failings, despite their magnificently ineptitude. I would much rather celebrate the ept than vice versa. However, she did it so brilliantly, with such relentless overplaying, and hilarious patter that she completely won me over. All of which amused me all the more having overheard her in the cafe earlier saying of her tech run "I'm a bit worried as some of my jokes didn't seem to go over very well. Admittedly it was mostly empty seats......". It was also interesting to see Jon's solo act again just 2 weeks after I saw it at Ballring: spotting the tiny differences and physical ad libs from the choreographed stuff was fun.

Another good upchuck in a good space. Thanks to all Gravity Vomiters.

Little Paul - - Parent

Well that sounds like the sort of show I'd have enjoyed. Pity I didn't make it... again!


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