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Robotic juggle -

Am i the only one who just descovered hocking because wtf really.

The Void - - Parent

For the benefit of those who don't like contextless posts:

Robotic juggle - - Parent

that is the video i watched #not alone in the world

Colin E. - - Parent

Much is I hate to knock other peoples creations ... this just looks very very silly. They attempt to make it look cool and 'street' with skateboard-styled tricks and camera angles. However, you just can't escape the fact that it is basically a stool and the 'punchline' of every trick leaves the hocker sat on his backside looking like a bit of a wally!

Mïark - - Parent

Seen them at European conventions for 6 years or more, always thought it very handy to have a prop you can sit on when you get tired, but don't envy having to carry it around.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

i just was suprised to see a prop i didnt recognize

Mïark - - Parent

While there is still plastic in China and people with too much money, there will always be more props.
Some examples:
Astrojaks - before poi became popular jugglers used to put 3 beads on a piece of string and wave it around

Flingo, an elasticated apron for sale at British juggling conventions for many years

Jitter Ring, thankfully no longer seen very often at juggling conventions

It's Him - - Parent

Note to self:

Take jitter ring to bjc.


Robotic juggle - - Parent

yah i know what you mean as a juggler myself i can enjoy the added altheticism this takes, but i cant get over the use of slow motion on every trick. bottom line i respect the difficulty, but find it a bit silly. (this didnt stop me from watching these guys "Hock" for an hour) welcome to the juggling comunity we dont judge silly

CamS - - Parent

Have to agree with you here, flipping a stool is pretty lame, but no lamer than Kendama, Rubiks Cubes or any other ancillary prop. People will always find silly things to do with silly objects just gotta roll with it and let it be.

Robotic juggle - - Parent

that's why I love this community it harbors the kids who enjoy the slightly odd side of skill toys. Skating is fine or BMX or basketball but it seems for whatever reason if it involves more than two balls god forbid you do it lest you be forever shunned for your hobby.

Little Paul - - Parent

My biggest issue with it is that unlike kendama/yoyo/cubing/etc the props are too damn bulky to carry around.

I may just have a lower tolerance for inconvenience than others though

Mïark - - Parent

a kit bag full of sawn-off gas pipe would be much less bulky to carry around and more convenient.

Little Paul - - Parent

Heh! It's probably 10 years since I had the patience to lug that lot around :)


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